48th Congress - Volume 4

Day 1,486, 06:51 Published in USA USA by eUSA Congress

Welcome again to THE SPEAKER'S WOR😨 the official journal of the eUSA Congress.
Jude Connors, that damn hippie, is out of the office so I've taken the opportunity to flush his stash and submit my own work for publication.
It's Christmas at the Capitol
Click the images to watch videos and visit websites for more photos.

Lighting of the 2011 Congress Christmas tree.

Hundreds of Santas Visit Washington DC.

This Week's Big Debates

The Budget
The Vote: December 2011 Budget concluded with these results:

Click the image to see it bigger
Yays: 23
Nays: 0
Abstains: 0
Quorum: 19
Quorum has been met.
The December 2011 Budget passes as Proposed.

As the US pushes Poland off our mainland and TERRA/EDEN Alliance forces make gains across Europe, Poland offered a "white peace" agreement, asking for a 30-day halt to hostilities.
While President Oblige used an in-game Proposal to declare Poland as our natural Enemy as leverage in his talks with them, Congress discussed (in the Private section) whether or not we should accept a negotiated peace, and if so then who we might instead declare as Natural Enemy.
Ultimately, President Oblige rejected the offer, and Congress was directed to Approve the Natural Enemy Proposal.
New Citizen Message
Each new citizen to the eUS automatically receives a game mail which is developed by the President. This is usually the first impression new players get of the game and of our eAmerican society, it's important that they are greeted well and given information to help them get started.
Congress has offered to help fine tune the current New Citizen Message; President Oblige and former Presidents GoalieBCSC and PigInZen have joined the thread to help out.
Congressional Inquiry: OMS
Congress is requesting, per Section 3.11 of the Code, for a financial report from the Office of Militia Services.
No misconduct or malfeasance is suspected or implied in this request, this is more an exercise in procedure to be sure the system of requesting and receiving information works.
As expected, the Discussion centers exactly around who has the authority to make such requests, exactly what information is to be provided, and to whom is the information to be delivered.

There are currently no Proposals, or Discussions leading to Proposal and Vote, pending in Congress.

Donations to the CBO and Alliance Pacts can ALWAYS be found here.
This is the eUnited States Immigration Form which must be used in addition to any in-game Citizenship Application.
Citizenship Approvals can be found here.

G. A. Custer
Deputy Speaker of the House
Forty-Eighth Congress of the eUSA