48th Congress - Volume 2

Day 1,476, 14:10 Published in USA USA by eUSA Congress


Monday not only marks the beginning of the week, but also a start of a new Weekly Sign-In thread for Congress members. The Congressional Leadership uses the sign-in to set a Quorum each week. A quorum is the minimum number of members of a Congress necessary to conduct the business of legislating the eUSA.


Every month, Congress discusses the budget for the upcoming month. This month's discussion has begun.

This is the Budget as passed by the 47th Congress on November 21, 2011.

I. Executive
Line U1. MPP Costs $50,000 (6.67😵

II. Defense
Line U3. Armed Forces $390,900.00 (52.12😵
Line U4. OMS $146,600.00 (19.55😵

III. Interior
Line U5. Dept. of Int. $12,500.00 (1.67😵

IV. Treasury
Line U7. Reserve $150,000.00 (20.00😵

The reserve line will be reduced in any week in which income drops below anticipated amount of the total amount of budgeted funds.

Total budgeted funds: $750,000.00

The Budget is usually worked out by the Economic Council and presented to Congress who either passes it, modifies it, or tosses it out altogether. Evry, the Chairman of the Economic Council, gives an insight on how the "EC" works here.

You can follow the budget talks here.


Citizenship Approval Rules for Congressmen
1. Approval of Citizenship Requests
Citizenship approvals shall follow the rules promulgated by IES. (Insert link here) Failure to follow these rules may result in censure or another admonishment by the Speaker of the House.

2. Failure to follow IES Procedure for granting citizenship
Any Congressman that does not follow the citizenship approval procedure promulgated by IES (or does not give a prompt explanation for the approval) when granting citizenship faces censure from the SoH, up to a ban. Said censure cannot last more than 1 month unless congress votes to extend it. Whether an offense merits any censure is entirely up to the SoH or the Congress body as a whole (via vote). Congress can vote to overturn any censure at any time.

This bill does not add/remove/change any part of the procedure for granting citizenship or upkeep of the IES blacklist.

3. Selling Citizenship is Illegal

It shall be illegal for any elected Congressman to sell citizenship for items, gold or money of any currency. If evidence is found of a Congressman selling citizenship, a proposal for censure shall be initiated and voted on by Congress.

4. Censure of Congressmen who approve Blacklisted citizen applications

Any Senator who approves the citizen request of a player on the IES Blacklist will be banned from the Congress forums and, at the leisure of the forum admins, the eUSA forums.

a) This can be overturned by a vote from Congress, or by the SoH within a week of the banning.
b) This ban is effective until Congress votes to remove it
c) Any party that runs this candidate again recognizes the fact that the candidate will not be able to serve congress in all but the most basic in-game functions.

Proposed by: Originator: Morrigan Alexandros

For: 14
Against: 6
Abstain: 7

Vote passes as written. This message will be posted to the Congressional Orientation and IES boards. This will also be added into the Current Congressional Laws.


CBO Accoutability Act - Started by Stanley Ibcus: The goal of this bill is to improve the security of eUS financial assets, aid recovery of funds in the event of fraud or misuse, and improve the ability of congress to make educated decisions on spending.

$30,000 Stimulus Project - Started by Stanley Ibcus: The goal of this bill is to create a committee that shall be charged with ways to combat the economic recession.

Reserves - Started by Eli Crownover: In conjunction with the Budget talk, talk has also begun about the Reserves. For those laypeople (and Congressmen) who do not know, reserves are money RESERVED for later when we really, really, really need it - remember back to this summer when we were almost completely wiped and our revenues were down below 50k.

Canadian Congressional Exchange 11/11 - Started by scrabman: a formal program of allowing one eUSA Congress person to volunteer to see the internal Parliament boards of the eCanada Forums and to vote on their internal procedures. Similarly there was a eCanadian Parliament member who would have access to our Congressional proceedings and to vote on internal matters.

Currently, it looks like scrabman will be our delegate to the Canadian Parliament. The delegate from Canada will be Trenton Rendell, a long time senior member of Parliament and the Canadian government in general.


Donations to the CBO and Alliance Pacts can ALWAYS be found here.

Citizenship Approvals can be found here.

Jude Connors
Congressional Public Affairs Officer
Forty-Eighth Congress of the eUSA