45th eUS Congress: Day Ten [Evening Edition]

Day 1,384, 18:56 Published in USA USA by Heero Blaze
September 4, 2011/Day 1,384 of the New World

Your trusted source of Congressional News

Today’s Issue Includes:
I. Delaware To Get New Hospital!
II. 45th Congress: Does It Lack Initiative?
III. Today’s Proposals
IV. Congressional Budget Office Requests
V. Heero’s Hall

I. Delaware To Get New Hospital!

Revenue has been a hot topic in the 45th eUS Congress, albeit it discussed almost entirely privately. The previous tax increases of the 44th Congress had ensured a steady stream of cash for the government and donations to the Congressional Budget Office have hitting the target goal of 99,999 USD per day. However, Congress is also concerned with building the reserves, as much of it was consumed during the last invasion. In a similar vein, President Cerb sent this message to Congressmen:

Our CBO donations aren't quite keeping up with the treasury growth. Buying hospitals allows us to play 'catch up', since we can buy one every 24 hours for 99k from Colin, who can then donate the 99k into the CBO via the Money Market.


He has 4 more after this, and we can place one every 24 hours, so these proposals will help us move money into our reserves more quickly.

Congressmen [X] has confirmed this and state😛
We are buying a hospital from Colin for ~99k USD. He is donating 75k of that to the CBO.

His ~24k cut is more than reasonable given the cost of constructing a hospital, their rarity, etc.

So for those wondering, the purchase of the hospital in Delaware is much more about moving money than military strategy.

II. 45th Congress: Does It Lack Initiative?

In the last edition, the Congressional Reported that Speaker of the House Cromstar wanted Congressmen to review the eUS Constitution. The process, however, has been slow. Yesterday, Cromstar, after reviewing the discussion said, “Not a good start, people.” Some discussion has picked up on this debate, but does raise the question: Does the 45th Congress lack initiative?

Form the public perspective, the answer may be yes. The public can only view certain procedures and those have been few and unsubstantial so far. However, the private backrooms of Congress have been buzzing. Yet upon closer examination, discussion has been led by a handful of Congressmen. The Congressional Record will continue to monitor the progress of the 45th Congress.

III. Today’s Proposals

1. Buy Hospital.

IV. Congressional Budget Office Requests

1. Department of Defense requests 400,000 USD

V. Heero’s Hall

Come on in, have a seat

Well, tomorrow is election day and I’m endorsing Gnilraps for President.

I was going to make a graphic for him to use, but he already has some awesome graphics that would have just made mine look pitiful. But remember to vote Gnilraps for President of the eUS!

And while you are still here, why not subscribe to these fine newspapers:

16 Shells
Meet the Press
Halls of Montezuma

Thank you for your time.
Heero Blaze
Congressional Advisor