45th eUS Congress: Day Five [Afternoon Edition]

Day 1,379, 15:49 Published in USA USA by Heero Blaze
August 30, 2011/Day 1,379 of the New World

Your trusted source of Congressional News

Today’s Issue Includes:
I. Statement from Speaker of the House Cromstar
II. No Action Taken Against Chris Hartman?
III. Today’s Proposals
IV. Congressional Budget Office Requests
V. Heero’s Hall

I. Statement from Speaker of the House Cromstar

Speaker of the House of the 45th eUS Congress

Yesterday, Cromstar (Federalist) became Speaker of the House of the 45th eUS Congress. Cromstar won with 17 votes while rainy sunday obtained 10 votes. One Congressman abstained. This totals 28 votes out of a possible 53.

Cromstar has made this statement:

Yay, the election is over, I've won, time to get to work!

I'm still waiting for word from my prospective Deputy Speaker and Whip, but I've got two other special posts I've set up and confirmed.

Serving as our Aggressive Whip will be thedillpickl. No, he's not in Congress, get over it. His job is very different from the normal whipping job; he's the whip you don't want to hear from. Simply put, if you aren't participating in Congress, he'll hunt you down. And, for those of you who read but don't say much, you are included. Not voicing your opinion and not voting on the forums means you aren't doing your job. I intend to hold this Congress to a high standard of activity all the way until the end of the term. dill's job to harass you will only be a part of this. I will also make sure your party leadership knows you haven't been active, and to make it worse I fully intend to make use of peer pressure and public humiliation if you leave me no other choice. This is your only warning.

Serving as the Chair of the Special Budget Commission, I've asked Oblige to pick one or two active Congressmen to play lead on getting a suggested budget written up for all of Congress to review. He will be working with our line holders, the CBO, and the EC on this issue in order to get the ball moving quickly. Oblige, let me know when you've picked your two people and who they are.

I've got a tentative agenda for the month already scheduled out. We'll be busy, and we'll be doing more than one thing at a time, so I expect everyone to pay attention. If you can't be assed to read the boards, why did you run? Simple answer: not to be a Congressman.

On the agenda for this month:
• Get a budget passed with a reasonable balance on spending and reserve lines
• Work a more effective budget process to avoid the bullshit from last month
• Trim the code of excess wording, fat, and legal-speak, at the least
• Make some changes to slim down the boards for Congress, move more into the public area
• Provide assistance for Heero Blaze to publish the Congressional Record like he did last month, as he's offered to do it again
• Increase the effectiveness of monthly transitions, including updated and easily found info for new Congressmen

That's what I've already thought of. I intend to see it all completed or well in progress by the end of the month.

Most of this won't start until tomorrow because I'm dealing with RL issues tonight/tomorrow morning, but once that's clear, we'll hit the ground running.

If you have anything else you think we should put on the list, say so here and I'll consider adding it.

Now get to work, slackers!

Congratulations to Cromstar for his new position, he definitely looks like he has a plan in mind. Also, congratulations to thedillpickl for retaining his status of Congressional Whip, he does an awesome job. I’m also interested in Oblige’s new role as Chair of the Special Budget Commission. I’d like to thank Cromstar for allowing me the opportunity to continue covering Congressional news.

II. No Action Taken Against Chris Hartman?

In the previous issue of the Congressional Record, one reader asked, “What happened to the congressmen that made a in-game proposal to impeach Cerb?”

According to the eUS Constitution:
3.32: Penalties for improper procedure
Any Congressman proposing an in-game impeachment without having followed the procedure described in section 3.3 of the eUS Code shall have their forum privileges suspended pending disciplinary action to be determined by the Speaker of the House.

Congressman Chris Hartman whom proposed Impeachment was the last Congressman to sign-in (on the same day his impeachment proposal was made). He had not yet received clearance into the Private Congressional forums. No further action against Congressman Hartman has been discussed by Congress. Keep in mind, Congress has no in-game power to remove undesirable Congressmen or restrict their actions.

III. Today’s Proposals

1. Mutual Protection Pact with Australia

IV. Congressional Budget Office Requests

V. Heero’s Hall

Come on in, have a seat

To help encourage readership, I’m adding a new section for giveaways, interviews, surveys, and miscellaneous topics. Today’s issue will be a GIVEAWAY. Last time, I gave away 1,000 Q1 Food. This time, I’m giving away 1,000 Q2 Food! Here’s how to win:

1. Vote this article.
2. Subscribe to this newspaper (if you already have, that’s fine).
3. Write a comment! Let me know what you think of this Congress, the Presidential election, or anything else.
4. Shout this article!

This contest is restricted to American citizens. The first ten to complete the requirements will receive 100 Q2 Food (400 Health!) each. Good luck!

And while you are still here, why not subscribe to these fine newspapers:

16 Shells
Meet the Press

Thank you for your time.
Heero Blaze