44th eUS Congress: Day Three [Evening Edition]

Day 1,346, 03:36 Published in USA USA by Heero Blaze
July 28, 2011/Day 1,346 of the New World

Your trusted source of Congressional News

Today’s Issue Includes:
I. Speaker of the House Nominations Coming to a Close, Vote Begins!
II. Statements from Speaker of the House Nominees
III. Congress Moves to [CLASSIFIED]
IV. Proposals
V. Congressional Budget Office Requests

I. Speaker of the House Nominations Close, Vote Begins!


As per Congressional regulations, nominations take place for two days and then move to an election. All three candidates, Lexluthor1 (USWP-Oregon), Cromstar (The American Monarchy, non-Congressman), and Leroy Combs (AMP-California), have strong sources of support and should provide an interesting election. Congressman chickensguys (Lib-Utah) failed to gain the necessary five nominations.

Current Tally Update😛 21:00
LexLuthor1: 17
Cromstar: 0
Leroy Combs: 13
Abstentions: 3
Total Votes Cast: 33

LexLuthor1 continues hold a lead in the race with Leroy Combs not far behind. Cromstar has bowed out.

II. Statements from Speaker of the House Nominees

As the election of a new Speaker of House nears, I have messaged each candidate asking a simple question: What do you hope to accomplish as Speaker of the House? I will post responses as soon as the candidates reply.

LexLuthor1: I understand that last term was not very active and I would like to change that this term. The previous Congress was a summer term that started off right before a major US holiday and on top of that they had a very small Congress as a result of the invasion so I understand why not much got done. This term we are almost full strength and I want to make sure we make the most of this month.

I have a project I would like Congress to work on and I will be ready to discuss that more in a day or two. I would also like to forge closer ties to our military and many militias as this is primary a war game now and Congress should reflect that.

Finally, I expect that my team and I will have a very organized and efficient Congress that works closely with the media to insure that the public knows what is going on this month.

Cromstar: Reviewing our current tax structure is already underway, I'd like to see us keep up with that. Additionally, I think its about time for Congress to work on trimming down the Code so to increase our functionality as a body. Beyond that, I don't have much in the way of specific goals other than keeping you guys active all month. I will be hunting you down if elected 😉

Leroy Combs: Statement pending.

III. Congress Moves to [CLASSIFIED]

Sometimes Congress Keeps Secrets

After some discussion regarding [CLASSIFIED], Congressman [NAME NOT DISCLOSED] moved forward with a Proposal. The Proposal has since moved to a Vote. Debate continues and passage of the legislation in the current form is questionable. Experts from the Economic Council believe the legislation will strengthen the nation.

Information regarding the changes will be posted as soon as Congress makes a public action.

[Note: Access to threads of the preceding segment is limited to Congressmen and other government officials]

IV. Proposals

1.Mutual Protection Pact with Australia. Proposed by Australian President H.Nelson. Australia has been a long time ally of the US, VOTE YES
2.Natural Enemy with Serbia Proposed by the radical Congressman Flying Trotsky. VOTE NO
3. Donate 90,000 USD to Congressional Budget Office. Proposed by Pdeb. VOTE YES.

V. Congressional Budget Office Requests

1. Congressman Pdeb requests 25,000 USD for Arm America. This request is for a missed week of funding.

Thank you for your time.
Heero Blaze, Congressman of Michigan