44th eUS Congress: Day Ten [Afternoon Edition]

Day 1,353, 11:31 Published in USA USA by Heero Blaze
August 4, 2011/Day 1,353 of the New World

Your trusted source of Congressional News

Today’s Issue Includes:
I. Congress and the Budget
II. Speaker of the House Suggests Replacing Speaker Position with Moderator
III. Congress Discusses Enemies List
IV. Debate Continues on How Best to Keep Congress Public
V. Proposals
VI. Congressional Budget Office Requests

I. Congress and the Budget

While Congress awaits the recommendations of the Economic Council, some discussion has begun regarding the budget in private. The major change will be the transfer of funds from Arm America to the United States Armed Forces, the Office of Militia Support, and Meals on Wheels. Congressmen are encouraged to keep up with the debate.

II. Speaker of the House Suggests Replacing Speaker Position with Moderator

Speaker of the House LexLuthor1 has suggested revamping the Speaker of the House position. “I would like to change some of the language in order to update the position for the current state of the game. I think that we need to get away from the idea of a RL SoH and have Congress elect its own moderator who will in turn put together a moderation team for the currents months Congress,” LexLuthor1 said.

Long time Congressional Cromstar immediately came out and said, “Personally, I'm opposed to the idea.”

Congressman Oblige added, “Moving to a moderator instead of a SoH would, imho, reduce Congresses' ability to move quickly on important legislation even further. If anything I feel that the SoH should have *more authoritah.”

Political pundit Henry Ardunel interjected, “Congress needs to elect a competent Speaker, or they'll get a moderator. Just changing the name won't have the result Lex is hoping for.”

Debate continues and Congressmen are encouraged to participate. Ex-Congressmen and future Congressmen should also provide input.

III. Congress Discusses Enemies List

Congressman Gnilraps began discussion regarding the creation of an Enemies of America (EoA) list. The list will be compiled by the CIA. According to Gnilraps, “The purpose of the EoA is to Authorize an official list of known Citizen Accounts in eRepublic whose ingame actions have been antithetical to the Constitution and Government of the eUnited States of America.”

IV. Debate Continues on How Best to Keep Congress Public

A variety of Congressmen and citizens have commented regarding how best to keep regular Congressional proceedings open to the public. The problem stems from a lack of guidelines regarding what topics are sensitive and what topics are not sensitive. Currently, any Congressman can start a Discussion in the Private Congressional Proceedings subforum regarding how cute kittens are and the public will have no awareness of such Discussions because there is neither a set of proper procedures in creating Discussions or a mechanism to move Discussions from the Private to the Public. Much of what Congress discusses is typical and can be deduced simply by observing in-game proposals or this newspaper. But for those eager to read the debates for themselves, they will have to wait until the session has ended to see what Congress has truly done. To keep Congress honest and improve public relations, I urge all citizens and Congressmen to help find a way to make Discussions public.

V. Today’s Proposals

1. Donate 99,999 USD to the Congressional Budget Office.

VI.Congressional Budget Office Requests

Thank you for your time.
Heero Blaze,
Congressman of Michigan