44th eUS Congress: Day Six

Day 1,349, 09:56 Published in USA USA by Heero Blaze
July 31, 2011/Day 1,349 of the New World

Your trusted source of Congressional News

Today’s Issue Includes:
I. Changes in Food Tax Fails, Congress Continues to Debate
II. 44th eUS Congress: Best Congress This Year?
III. Congressman [CLASSIFIED] Threatens Congressman [CLASSIFIED]
IV. Proposals
V. Congressional Budget Office Requests

I. Changes in Food Tax Fails, Congress Continues to Debate

Late last night, Congressman chickensguys (Libertarian-Utah), proposed an increase in Food taxes, both Value-Added Tax (VAT) and Import Tax. Congress has been debating the current tax code, mostly in private sessions. These sessions spawned a variety of proposals and plans with the same goal of increasing revenue.

Before a final plan could be agreed upon, chickenguys proposed a compromise plan in-game. Speaker of the House LexLuthor1 urged Congressmen to vote no on the proposal as debate on the matter had not been concluded. Other Congressmen believed the debate had gone far enough and the compromise was fair. Despite some support for the law, it is expected to fail. New proposals regarding the tax code are expected sometime this week. Congressmen are encouraged to review this discussion.

Update: A new in-game proposal appeared. Tax Change: Weapons . Proposed by Oblige. Congressmen allowed to vote according to their own beliefs.

II. 44th eUS Congress: Best Congress This Year?

According to Congressman Alexander_Auctoritas (USWP-Illinois), the 44th eUS Congress, “appears to be one of the better in recent memory.”

His statement caused some debate as to why the 44th eUS Congress was so great. Speaker of the House LexLuthor1 joked, “Prolly cuz a me.”

Congressman chickenguys offered another argument. “Honestly I give full credit to myself. Most would agree with that analysis.”

Regardless of what has made the 44th eUS Congress so great, I am glad to serve during a session with plenty of active and devoted Congressmen and women. Let the 44th Congress become the model for all future Congresses.

III. Congressman [CLASSIFIED] Threatens Congressman [CLASSIFIED]

Congress Plans to Debate the Time and Place for Congressmen to Brawl

In the secret backrooms of the Congress, Congressman [CLASSIFIED] approached Congressman [CLASSIFIED] and said, “I am going [CENSORED] for that proposal.” Two other nearby Congressmen encouraged the violence. The threatened Congressman has not reciprocated the response. I have motioned for any brawl between Congressmen to be made public because we all enjoy watching a good fight now and then.

IV. Today’s Proposals

1. Tax Change: Food. 2% INCREASE in VAT, 69% INCREASE in Import Tax. Proposed by chickensguys. Congressmen allowed to vote according to their own beliefs. Speaker of the House LexLuthor1 comments: "Senators vote no on anyproposal by chickensguys."
2. Tax Change: Weapons . Proposed by Oblige. Congressmen allowed to vote according to their own beliefs.

V. Congressional Budget Office Requests

1. Alexander_Auctoritas requests 375,000 USD for the eUS Armed Forces

Thank you for your time.
Heero Blaze,
Congressman of Michigan