44th eUS Congress: Day Four [Afternoon Edition]

Day 1,347, 02:30 Published in USA USA by Heero Blaze
July 29, 2011/Day 1,347 of the New World

Your trusted source of Congressional News

Today’s Issue Includes:
I. Speaker of the House Election: LexLuthor1 Wins!
II. Flying Trotsky: Radical Congressman?
III. Congressional Mentorship Program
IV. Proposals
V. Congressional Budget Office Requests
VI. Other News: Free Food and Weapons!

I. Speaker of the House Election: LexLuthor1 Wins!

The 44th Congress nominated three outstanding candidates, Lexluthor1 (USWP-Oregon), Cromstar (The American Monarchy, non-Congressman), and Leroy Combs (AMP-California), but only one can be the Speaker of the House. Midway through the election, Cromstar bowed out. LexLuthor1 maintained a lead over Leroy Combs throughout the election.

Final Tally:
Abstain: 3
Leroy Combs: 13
LexLuthor1: 20
Total Votes: 36

Introducing the 44th eUS Congress Speaker of the House: LexLuthor1.

LexLuthor1, Patriotic American

A close examination of the votes casts revealed the bases of support for each candidate. The USWP and the INCI came out in full support of LexLuthor1 and did not cast a single vote for Leroy Combs. AMP strongly favored Leroy Combs with only one AMPer voting for LexLuthor1. Congressmen from other Parties voted for each candidate and had no clear favorite.

LexLuthor1 has released this statement entitled "Thank You for giving more power to a super villain" :

I am having a hellish Friday and I am typing from my iPhone but I wanted to say thank you for electing me SoH. Both Cromb and LC have been great Speachers so I have my work cut out for me.

Tommorrow I should be in [LOCATION CLASSIFIED] and will announce my advisors and get up to speed with the executive, for now I want to announce that rainysunday will be our whip and Kemal will be our Deputy this month.

It's very important we come up with a majority for one of our two tax options and then I have a project for us all to with on.

Sorry for the delay but I will be on irc tomorrow and will hit the ground running.

Last but not least we are being invaded and I want to make sure that we are unified. In particular I would like to make sure all this AMP/USWP BS does not get in the way of a productive month. I would like every member of this Congress to post here and [CENSORED]. I am expecting epic posts from Hadrian and Leroy. Let's all be united in in [CENSORED] and get this month off to a great start 😉

On a serious note I will give rainy an emergency contact in case I am needed in a hurry ( yes becoming SoH was just a way to have an excuse to give rainy my number so what?

Congratulations to LexLuthor1, we all look forward to a great session.

II. Flying Trotsky: Radical Congressman?

Trotsky, currently not Flying

Freshman Congressman Flying Trotsky (SFP-Wyoming) has become a bit of a rebel during these first few days in Congress, proposing two laws without the consent of the Congress or the Executive. Senior Congressman and Former President Haliman (AMP-California) told Trotsky, “…do things the right way, or just resign.”

Freshman Congressman Gnilraps (Fed-California) added, “Government is a PROCESS, Flying Trotsky. I am quite certain that nearly everyone who is voting NO on your proposals would have welcomed the debate prior to voting.” Other Congressmen have expressed similar opinions.

It is the belief of the Flaming Press to give everyone a chance to speak, so I sat down with Flying Trotsky to discuss his proposals and political philosophy.

Heero Blaze (H😎: Out of the 44th Congressional cohort, you are the youngest citizen. Do you think that is an advantage in terms of introducing fresh ideas to an institution that is relatively rigid?

Flying Trotsky (FT): I absolutely believe that my status as a freshman congressman gives me an unique perspective some of my more experienced peers might not share. I've often worried that congress has fallen into a pattern of tradition- it's one of the reasons I ran for congress in the first place- I want, as my constituents want, a new approach to the problems that have been plaguing our nation.

HB: The term “Radical Congressman” has been thrown around; do you think that reflects your personal political philosophy or the philosophy of your political party, the Social Freedom Party?

FT: Depends on how you define "Radical". I was elected on a platform of change by a public who've lost faith in the traditional actions of our government. I'd hesitate to claim these sentiments are shared by everyone within the SFP, but I've certainly received enough encouragement from individual SFP members to suggest that they, like many eAmericans, want to try new solutions.

HB: You mentioned in a message to your fellow Congressmen that you believed Serbia was the greatest threat to America and therefore proposed a Natural Enemy Proposal without consulting the Congress or the Executive. Do you still believe your Proposal was justified?

FT: Absolutely. Serbia poses an immediate threat to us, and waiting 24 is simply going to give our enemies more time to conquer states that have only just been liberated. In short, we simply do not have time to bicker over wording- not when the liberty of our people is at risk. A stipulation within the constitution that risks the freedoms of those who the constitution is meant to protect is a contradiction. Further, holding these debates in the recesses of the congressional forum isn't exactly government transparency. We need to make our debates quick and we need to make them as accessible as possible.

HB: Following the Natural Enemy Proposal, who do you think should be in charge of foreign policy, Congress, the Executive, both, or some other entity?

FT: We of course need to be working together on this, however, we can do so during the actual voting. We save time and we still can have discussions over the proposals. As I've said before, Periculum In Mora.

HB: Are you planning to sign-in on the eUS Forums anytime during your term? Is the lack of participation in Congress an expression of political discontent with the system?

FT: While I have been in the congressional forums, I can't say I much care for it in there. Like I've said, our discussions need to be as open and as accessible as possible, and the forum itself can be pretty glitchy sometimes. I can't tell you how many times I've been sent to pages that don't exist.

HB: Is there any fear that Congress will act against you, such as limiting access to Congressional forums?

FT: If congress acts in a way that fulfills the letter of the law but violates the spirit of it, then it's the American people who need to be afraid, not me. Fortunately, I have faith in my fellow congressmen. They're a smart lot- they'll understand that our constitution needs to be modified and that our people need to be protected.

I’d like to thank Flying Trotsky for his time. In my opinion, he is an intelligent Congressman with lots of potential. I hope to see more of Trotsky in the future. For more on Flying Trotsky, check out his newspaper The Free American

III. Congressional Mentorship Program

In light of the influx of freshmen Congressmen, the Congressional Mentorship Program has been highlighted. Historically, the Program has helped a variety of Congressmen learn the proper way to conduct Congressional business. If you are a Congressmen willing to mentor or are a Congressman seeking mentorship, check out the link above.

IV. Today’s Proposals

V.Congressional Budget Office Requests

VI. Other News: Free Food and Weapons!
Former President Glove is offering food and weapons to all Eden/Terra citizens who comment on his article. What are you waiting for? CLICK HERE!.

Thank you for your time. Check back for updates!
Heero Blaze,
Congressman of Michigan