44th eUS Congress: Day Eleven [Afternoon Edition]

Day 1,354, 14:03 Published in USA USA by Heero Blaze
August 5, 2011/Day 1,354 of the New World

Your trusted source of Congressional News

Today’s Issue Includes:
I. Congressional Debates
II. Proposals
III. Congressional Budget Office Requests

Editorial Note: This issue is a bit shorter than usual and this should be the only edition. Working on other things today.

I. Congressional Debates

1. Discussion about the future of Arm America and possibilities of reworking other programs.

2. Discussion about reworking Speaker of the House position. LexLuthor1 has provided his recommendations on what should be removed and replaced in the Constitution regarding the Speaker of the House position.

3. Discussion about Congressional openness, how best to keep Congress open to the public.

4. Discussion about an Enemies List and possibly a whitelist (list of trustworthy Americans).

5. Private discussion about the budget. Pending Economic Council recommendations.

II. Today’s Proposals

1. Donate 90,000 USD to Congressional Budget Office. Vote yes.
2. New Citizen Message. Just for fun (but it only reminds me that we use to get experience points for voting and makes me angry). Vote no.
3. Mutual Protection Pact with Finland. Vote yes.
4. Embargo Indonesia.
5. New Citizen Fee from 50 USD to 5 USD. Apparently the Admin raised the fee unexpectedly so this is a vote to return it back to previous setting.

III. Congressional Budget Office Requests

Thank you for your time.
Heero Blaze,
Congressman of Michigan