44th eUS Congress: Day Eight [Afternoon Edition]

Day 1,351, 07:37 Published in USA USA by Heero Blaze
August 2, 2011/Day 1,351 of the New World

Your trusted source of Congressional News

Today’s Issue Includes:
I. Congress Votes to Remove Funding From [CLASSIFIED], Give Funding to [CLASSIFIED]
II. Congress Discusses Making [CLASSIFIED] an ENEMY OF THE STATE
III. Survey: Help Improve the Congressional Record!
IV. Other Congressional Business
V. Proposals
VI. Congressional Budget Office Requests
VII. Other News

I. Congress Votes to Remove Funding From [CLASSIFIED], Give Funding to [CLASSIFIED]

After some discussion initiated by Congressmen [CLASSIFIED], several Congressmen have come out in support of cutting the funding [CLASSIFIED]. The program will instead rely on private donations and [CLASSIFIED] if it is to be used at all. [CLASSIFIED] has been helping Americans [CLASSIFIED] for months, but any Americans expecting to get benefits from the program may be disappointed. The funding allocated to the program will be redistributed to the following programs: [CLASSIFIED], [CLASSIFIED], and [CLASSIFIED].

Since the program is public and used by a variety of citizens, I have requested the discussion be made public. However, the request has not been accepted or denied by Speaker of the House LexLuthor1 or any other Congressional Leaders. The public will most likely have to wait till the next budget to be revealed before they know which program is losing funding.

II. Congress Discusses Making [CLASSIFIED] an ENEMY OF THE STATE

Congressmen [CLASSIFIED] began a discussion about whether or not Congress should recognize [CLASSIFIED] as an Enemy of the State. The Congressman wanted to go so far as passing a Constitutional Amendment. While many Congressmen do consider the individual in question an undesirable person, some think this an amendment will only fuel his cause. Actions against this individual have already taken certain forms, but an amendment may solidify his infamy forever.

III. Survey: Help Improve the Congressional Record!

In an effort to sustain interest in this newspaper, I am asking readers to fill out a survey. It is completely anonymous and will hopefully make this paper better. Expect results tomorrow!

IV. Other Congressional Business

1. Congress has begun its weekly sign-in. All Congressmen please check in.

V. Today’s Proposals

1. Mutual Protection Pact with China. Vote YES
2. New Citizen Message. Just a test, VOTE NO.
3. Donate 99,999 USD to the Congressional Budget Office. VOTE YES.

VI.Congressional Budget Office Requests

1. 136,000 USD requested for the Office of Militia Support.

VII. Other News
1. White House Press Room [Day 1351]. Keep up with the Executive Branch!

Thank you for your time.
Heero Blaze,
Congressman of Michigan