40 hours later.....

Day 1,666, 22:22 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by eDarkAngel

So almost 2 days have passed since the new bot...uhm....war module. Everyone is adjusting as best as they can to the new logistics of waging war.

The first and most noticeable reflection of this however is in the maternity ward of erepublic's general bots hospital. From an average of between 4500 and 6000 new registrations per day for the last 6 months, all of a sudden the birth rate in the new world has doubled and has now gone over 10000.

Of course there is the slight chance, that fertility of virtual Argentinian, Albanian, Chilean, Venezuelan, British, Greek, US, Mexican, and Spanish women has gone up 5 fold (actually ever since the migration of Turks to Argentina, their virtual women have been much more fertile), however it is more likely that a few new labs for genetic manipulation and virtual human cloning have been setup in those countries due to the lack of anti cloning legislation.

There is of course slight increase across the board and there will be even bigger increase in the future as the Frankenstein of a military module will continue to stimulat bot creation, however the current pattern is that TEDEN countries have industrial quantity of bots created in their countries.

While it is not clear whose bots they're ( in Argentina, they're likely Stanko's cousins ), the cs they carry is important because of the patriot medal and the fact they need to fight from a MU to gather the bazookas and candy that will be used to win rounds for their papas in 1st and 2nd division battles in the future.

Current new registrations (as of 22:00 server time on eday 1666):

Argentina: 626
Albania: 483
Brazil: 100
Bulgaria: 90
Chile: 506
China: 61
Columbia: 527
Croatia: 38
Germany: 108
Greece: 272
Hungary: 35
Indonesia: 73
Mexico: 323
Polan😛 66
Macedonia: 59
Romania: 51
Russia: 39
Serbia: 115
Spain: 562
Turkey: 111
Ukraine: 25
United Kingdom: 113
USA: 182
Venezuela: 806

So far from experience we can say that Chile had a genuine BB last time around so it could be genuine this time around as well, though the coincidence will always place a shadow until we see an increase in active players in the future.

For Argentina and Albania it is pretty much sure most are bots as has been the case in the past, though to be fair, Argentina has been gaining some active players steadily over time, which would suggest there is at least some genuine new players there, however the conversion rates are much lower then the average, which would suggest a large quantity of multies being created as well. Same is true of Spain.

Columbia and Venezuela remain to be seen if they're genuine BBs, Columbia did have an increase in the past, though with similar registration rates to Chile the conversion rates were 3-4 times lower, so it easy to assume a larger quantity of fake accounts, same goes for Venezuela and Mexico.

UK is having a BB for the first time in a long time and it started before the war module changes, so we remain to see weather it will have a qualitative result before we can make judgments.

All in all we can safely say the new bot era is upon us and is unlikely to go away soon, unless the admins pull a rabbit out of their hat to invalidate bots as a war tool, which is highly unlikely.

The simple reason is that division 1 and 2 points, represent 27.7% of all points in a round and a battle, so a single bot master can win a bigger share then thousands of real players on the battlefield.

In the current situation, that is unlikely to change as it is unrealistic to expect new players within their first 2-3 months of playing the game to become highly sensitive to tactics and become more organized that the rest to be able to counteract the artificial armies that are being created en mass right now.

The result of the bot armies will start to be felt in a few weeks time, depending on how much of their own resources they use to ripen in the meantime.

The way to fix things is to create a "training" general battle for all new players, by placing them randomly in two general MUs and allowing them to only fight in the "training" battle for the first month of their lives.

This would make it very easy for the admins to spot artificial embryos right away so that they can be eliminated before they graduate to the general population. While this will not solve the bot problem entirely it will limit it's effect on the game at least in the military module and to some degree in the economic as well. It will not however impede the ability for the different communities to help their young players as all other specs of the game will remain open and community based.

Since I recently lost my Hard Drive the article on the active players will have to wait for a bit still, but expect the 12 year old racist in me to come back with it soon.