Day 514, 16:14 Published in Greece Greece by Che Greco

Our small community has grown to over 300 citizens today, a great milestone.

In spite of all the problems we have faced in the past it is good to see that eGreece is growing and prospering. And for this I'd like to thank all of you for promoting the game to your friends and all over the Greek blogosphere. It's good to see more and more society builders. It's also good to see that a great number of our citizens are active as opposed to other countries where more than 1/3 are dead.

Of course there are many eGreeks scattered around the globe always ready to come and fight and the great number of ePhilhellenes is also impressive, and greatly appreciated as always.

But we have more work to do. Everyone in eGreece should be a society builder. If you need tips or have tips on how to get more people or how you can promote eRepublik then please join us in the forum so we can discuss.

Live long and prosper my friends!

Che Greco
Minister of Immigration