30+ Scheme open for business again! (Day 1,608)

Day 1,608, 18:21 Published in United Kingdom USA by Smobster
Hello again people - its back!

Sorry for the minor disruption in regular supplies from your favourite food scheme, but hopefully its back up-and-runing again!

So, if you managed to get your 30 confirmed kills or more for day 1,608, then comment below and vote this article - give your personal total (check on the MU screen, under 'Last day fights') and state your TUP Family regiment number and I'll send food just as soon as I can check your claim and get it to you.

Smobster's 30+ Scheme open for business again!

I hope that you didn't go too hungry over the weekend! Maybe I should go away more often, judging by the amount of territory we've claimed back over the weekend!!!

