26th Congressional Term: Week 1

Day 804, 14:06 Published in USA USA by Fionia

Like I promised in my Congressional platform this month, I will be doing weekly updates of Congress. Here it is for week 1:

Amazingly, it's already been a week since the Congressional elections, and it's been quite a busy week. Here is a quick rundown of what has happened so far:

* On the forums, where most Congressional activity is based, there were nominations and a subsequent election for Speaker of the House. The Speaker is essentially in charge of Congress, presiding over the general assembly for a two month term, and is also responsible for appointing a Congressional Whip, assigning members to committees and choosing committee leaders. This month, myself (4th term USWP Congresswoman from New York), Rheinlander von Phalz (5th term AAP Congressman currently from Michigan), and Cromstar (10th term DemRep Congressman from Pennsylvania) were nominated. The final vote tally was: Rheinlander: 25 votes; me: 15 votes; Cromstar: 1 vote; with 5 abstentions.
** The rest of the Congressional leadership is: myself as Deputy Speaker of the House; Stormin as the Congressional Whip; and Eotrick as Deputy Whip.

* Other than that, there has also been the standard set of donation proposals (one of the in-game powers of Congress) to the Congressional Budget Office. This is done because the government needs money to operate smoothly.
** 26 January: US😨 Yes
** 27 January: IDR: Yes
** 28 January: US😨 Yes
** 29 January: ESP: No: There was a typo made in the proposal.
** 30 January: HKR: Yes
** 31 January: US😨 Yes

* There have also been 4 MPP proposals. MPPs are proposals made in-game by presidents and approved by Congresses.
** 27 January: Finlan😛 Yes
** 29 January: India: Yes
** 30 January: Australia: Yes
** 31 January: Ukraine: Yes

* There has been one other proposal made in-game, an proposal to issue money. It was proposed to issue 100000 USD for 500 GOLD, and my vote was Yes.

As you can see, the first week has been mostly uncontroversial, as Congress organizes itself at the beginning of a new SoH (Speaker of the House) term.
That's it for today. I should have an article coming out soon about the NAU.

Signing off,