Crazy ideas for eRep's 10th anniversary

Day 3,560, 15:14 Published in Romania Romania by Nicolae Crefelean

It's eDay 3,560 - almost 10 years. Soon we will celebrate the 10th anniversary. This has to be special right?

Here's a proposition. For 10 days, every single day, one crazy thing would happen for 24 hours. I have a few ideas, and you're welcome to add your own in the comments section.
1. Remove the energy bar limit (or raise it to 100,000). This would allow everyone to store a lot of energy and by the end of that day we would have some crazy epic battles. 😃
2. Allow the citizens to switch their strength and perception (do you feel trolled? 😛) err... their airforce ranks. 😁
3. Increase the productivity x10. (OMG, right?!)
4. Remove the gold buying limit. (more OMG) 😁
5. Bribe Clopoyaur to do a 10 hour-long stream with cool prizes every hour. 😎
6. Fix the guerrilla module. Oh, wait... 😁 A tournament would be great but guerrilla sucks badly.
6. Boosters day! Every hour offer the chance to get a random booster, but maximum 10 boosters. Manually enabled without pause ability, random type.
7. Packs day! Every hour offer the chance to get a demo pack, but maximum 10 packs. Manually enabled without pause ability, random type.
8. Epic day! Maybe even epic air battles, you know...
9. Trivia day! Every hour enable one set of 3 questions (about the game, obviously), each 30 seconds-long. Maximum 10 sets, each correct answer gives you one chicken badge, which goes in your storage and up to 10 days later you will be able to exchange them for some prizes. A profile badge would be nice as well, mentioning the number of correct answers (fame or shame 😛).
10. Equals day! Everyone has 10,000 strength. Ranks, bonuses and boosters don't work. Energy bars disabled, extra energy recovery disabled, maximum energy is 500 (no use of houses/energy centers). XP gain is also frozen, to prevent some people getting a full bar of energy or to prevent the promotion to another division. (Yeah, I know... this would be hard to implement)

Go ahead, add your 10 ideas. Or less, or more, let's see what we get for eRepublik's 10th anniversary.

Cheers! 😃

Crazy ideas for eRep's 10th anniversary: