22 године бастион си српства - волимо те Републико Српска

Day 2,242, 06:11 Published in Serbia Serbia by VirusXHackerSrb

Поштовани грађани,
Данас је крсна слава Републике Српске Свети архиђакон Стефан - 09.јануар.

Основана је 9. јануара 1992. године под називом Српска Република Босна и Херцеговина, као реакција српског народа на спорну одлуку о независности СР Босне и Херцеговине од СФРЈ коју су изгласали муслимански и хрватски посланици.

Народна скупштина Републике Српске врши уставотворну и законодавну власт и чине је 83 посланика који се бирају на изборима сваке четврте године. Влада Републике Српске врши извршну власт. Предсједник Републике Српске се бира на непосредним изборима сваке четврте године. Нивои власти су општина, односно град и република.


The Bosnian parliament, without its Serb deputies, held a referendum on the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 29 February and 1 March 1992, but most Serbs boycotted it since the assembly had previously (9–10 November 1991) held a plebiscite in the Serb regions, 96% having opted for membership of the Yugoslav federation formed only by Serbia and Montenegro.The referendum had a 64% turnout and 92.7% or 99% (according to different sources) voted for independence. On 6 March the Bosnian parliament promulgated the results of the referendum, proclaiming the republic's independence from Yugoslavia. The republic's independence was recognized by the European Community on 6 April 1992 and by the United States on 7 April. On the same day the Serbs' assembly in session in Banja Luka declared a severance of governmental ties with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The name Republika Srpska was adopted on 12 August 1992.
On 9 January 1992, the assembly proclaimed the Republic of the Serb People of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republika srpskog naroda Bosne i Hercegovine), declaring it part of Yugoslavia.[18] On 28 February 1992 the assembly adopted the Constitution of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the name adopted instead of the previous Republika srpskog naroda Bosne i Hercegovine). Its territory would include districts, municipalities, and regions where Serbs were the majority and also those where they had allegedly become a minority because of persecution during World War II. The republic was part of Yugoslavia and could enter into union with political bodies representing other peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In this game Republika Srpska has 4 regions, Еast Srpska Republic, West Srpska Republik, Brcko district and Central Srpska Republik (somewhere called Federation of BiH!?)

Губернатор СрБских прекодринских провинција ђенерал Миловановић



