2 years of eRepublik!

Day 1,221, 10:39 Published in Romania Romania by Smara

I initially wanted to write an article and talk a bit about my eLife and all the people I had the honor of meeting, and I did actually write a long article where I tried to name everyone who left an impact on me - everyone in the last two years that I fought with side by side or against, all those that at some point brightened my day, all those that helped me learn the ropes of the game, and all those that I had the honour to command, guide and teach...

...but it became just too long!! I’ve met so many awesome personalities during my gaming career that naming them all would have taken about half of eRepublik’s server space! Plus, I feared that I will forget someone and that would have been uncool! 🙁

So, to say in short what I wanted to say in the first place - I wish to thank all the people (you know who you are!) for still playing the game and for guiding my steps in this eWorld, while shedding a tear for all those that aren’t playing anymore! I also wish to use this opportunity to say hello to all the great new persons that I haven’t had the pleasure of talking to yet!😃

Thanks for having me here and lets make the next two years at least as fun as it has been so far! 😃
