2 Years

Day 1,186, 07:52 Published in USA USA by Fionia

First, I’d like to wish a happy eBirthday to my eTwinsQuadruplets: Evry, ManThigh, and CheesyQueso.

Today is day 1186. 730 days (2 years) ago, on day 456, I started playing this game.

Since I got active, I’ve only taken two and a half weeks off from the game. Well, I’m about to add to that total. I’ll be stepping away from the game and everything related to it (unless, and this is the only exception, my vote is needed for something on the Congress forums).

If I could, I would just say “bye” and walk away from all of this, and I’ve nearly done it before. All it takes is a battle to fight in and a few MTs. But like everybody always says, you can’t truly quit this game. I’m not going to try. I’m just going to leave for long enough to stay sane.

Signing off,