2 in 1 Pills for Constipation and Diarrhea

Day 1,515, 18:18 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by av khan

Hello everyone,

During some time in the past. ePakistan ate something which became a cause for constipation and diarrhea at the same time. A strange, but interesting phenomena for medical science. Constipation, in that although a lot of shit (and sometimes useful material) is excreted too quickly (due to diarrhea which is also caused by the same thing) that 'something' (also known in some languages as ukranian hotdogs) are still held up in ePakistan's stomach. So I am here to provide you with the method to cure that disease.

This Party was PTOed last month by Ukrainians.
And as a result we had to face a PTO threat in presidential elections and we had to work really hard with ATO (thanks to admins and bozli as well) to avoid getting PTOed. For more details look here.
We were saved this time.
But the question is are we gonna be saved every time?
I doubt that, unless we do something about it.

So I request all of you to vote intelligently for every party!

In-fact don't think of a single party!

Think of every party. Look at every party. And then vote.

Lemme try to point out the right direction to you.

Before voting check candidates of every party.

Pakistan Revolutionary Front :
If you see that anyone other than hamis11 or Umar Ahmed or Asif Pakistan is winning in this party. Vote for one of those mentioned above. NOT randomly and whichever you like but in a way that you vote for the person who has already got most votes or if you are in the party you won't see number of votes, in that case vote for the person whose name is above the other two in the list.

Party 1488 day of new world :

Do the same for this party with zafthfirst and Aamir1khan.

The Patriots:
Bence Mate


Av Khan (me) or if he runs, William Walker. If both of us are in the list vote for him and not me.

Pakistan National Alliance:
Redphienix and Ahsan Shahbaz

Vento Aureo:


This is in case you can't wait before casting your votes. In case you can wait and you are in one of those pm threads created by me, wait for my suggestions. I will suggest now and then, during the late part of the day, on which party and person to vote, to avoid PTO. So if you can wait, wait. But if you can't wait at all or if your waiting time limit is over and I haven't suggested anything then follow the procedures I mentioned above.
Not for me.
Not for those candidates.
Not for any effing party.
But for ePakistan!


PS: Lets rid Pakistan of Constipation!