1st Presidential Address

Day 1,051, 15:11 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Hello eIsrael and any international readers I would like to thank everyone who voted for me in the recent election. I promise all of you not to let you down. It was a close race and I wish CROY all the best.

Moving on...

First of all my Cabinet :

Gavin (Me) - President
Sam Krakower and Aeroner - Vice Presidents
Perfect Knight - Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sayeret Matkal - Minister of Defense
Yuvy15 - Minister Of Interior
Rheinlander von Phalz - Minster of Finance

Sam krakower and Aeroner have more then experience they have balls. I need people like them to be my VPs. They are more then capable and Trust Worthy.

Perfect Knight is a former president and all around Bad ***. He speaks like 7 Languages if you include CROY and will be an excellent MoFA. he came back to eIsrael to help me out and I thank him for that.

Sayeret Matkal is one of this nations hardest working people and deserves much credit for what he has done to revive the eIDF. I see no better person for the job.

Yuvy is a great guy, hard worker, and very capable. He has experience with the Ministry of Development and Ministry of interior and he is familiar with his duties and will do a great job.

Rheinlander is basically your average super hero. he has diagnosed me for a virus I got and has given me medical advice while witting up a new comprehensive economic strategy for eIsrael. He is strong willed and wont take crap from no one. We need more active dedicated capable players liek him. Did I mention he is the governments chief Medical Adviser aswell?

I have 2 Vice presidents because if I get assassinated I want Aeroner and Sam krakower to battle to the death to see who will claim my Presidential Toilet (AKA My Throne) Whoever is the strongest and emerges alive will claim the title of President 😛

Itll be bloody violent and possibly sexually explicit but totally worth it.

There will also be several ministers without portfolios that will act as general Advisers.

I have consolidated all the smaller ministries (Technology,Information,development etc) into the Ministry of the Interior for organization sake. It all falls under domestic affairs and its less of a bureaucracy.

We have 4 governmental Ministries Ministry Of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Defense, and Ministry of Interior. These will be the only Ministrys in my government to keep things organized streamlined and less bureaucratic.

I plan on releasing weekly articles to inform the eIsraeli public of all thats being worked on in the government.

The cabinet will be meeting regularly in IRC or MSN.

Currently on the agenda is the following:

- New MPP. We have allocated 100 gold from the treasury to be used for a new MPP more information on this to come.
- A proper eIsraeli Census. We will be creating new Bilingual forms for a Census. This will be used to measure national activity, Primary languages, and other indicators of our nation that will be useful for governing.
-A New Citizen message with helpful game information and links to our forum will be proposed soon and will be in both English and Hebrew. We have long lacked a proper new citizen message and this is on the top of my priorities.
-Im instituting a Presidential Internship program. This programs intent is to bring newer eIsraeli players into government by giving them jobs in duties within my cabinet. They will help around with different loose ends me and my ministers need and in the process gain experience for possible future governing positions. Information for applying is on the national forums.

Future plans include a new immigration incentive programs, Effort at a babyboom, training wars,re establishing the eIsraeli ambassadors program, and a mentor ship program for new players. All will be brought up again in the coming days I assure you.

Right now we are still in a transition period getting things organized and moving along. Im being swamped with messages and I just got back from the Hospital so Im sorry if i wasnt able to respond in time.

I would also like to ask all those considering to leave eIsrael to reconsider and stay. We need all the active participating citizens we can get.

Now on to the main thing I wanted to bring up that will most likely piss some people off and please others.

For too long eIsrael has lacked a proper forum to conduct government and national affairs and to act as a uniting tool with communication between the various groups within eIsraeli Society. When we moved to these new forums many people had high expectations but many where let down. The forums where buggy badly administered and organized. Impossible for non hebrew speakers to read and you needed to constantly change your browsers settings to be able to read text or you had to download an entirely new browser. The new forums did not bring eIsrael together as we had hoped and they did not provide a proper place for the government to conduct itself. As a result we have had a practically dead knesset for over a month and a lack of a forum to help people establish themselves in eIsrael. I couldnt even post on those forums and still cant because the permissions arent set up properly and all the original admins ether left or are inactive.

Every country has forums where new players can go to get help or where Ambassadors can go to Establish relations. eIsrael doesnt have this.

If I am to properly lead this nation forward I need proper forums to do so thats why I took the initiative and created new forums at the following link:


Many people have already signed up there. The forums are already set up and ready to go and its Bilingual Friendly. I worked a couple of days to get those forums set up and now they are and will be a perfect forum for eIsrael if people can accept it.

the old forums werent working and if you want to keep eIsrael behind by refusing to adapt then thats your choice but im making an executive decision by establishing these new forums. Something needed to be done.

I would be happy to pass it through the Knesset if the Knesset was:

1- Active
2- had a place to properly discuss it

These new forums solve this problem. I intend on these being the permanent official forums for eIsrael. Fact is I made it specifically clear in my presidential announcement I intended to make a new forum and I got the majority of the vote so that should be enough.

All Knesset members and my cabinet have already been told to sign up their and many ambassadors have begun to do the same.

If their are any people with forum experience that would be interested in administrator or moderator positions on the new forums please message me.

Now speaking of the Knesset I hope we can begin the process of nominating a new speaker who can lead and organize the Knesset this month to actually do something and get to work. With a new forum and area to discuss things their should be no excuses.

Okay well that covers mostly everything so far. I dont have a Hebrew keyboard so if someone can help me translate this that will be great.

Again the new forums are here: http://erepublikisrael.freeforums.org/

I urge everyone to sign up ASAP.

Am Yisrael Chai
