1ronman Is Innocent! Just Like O.J. Simpson!

Day 946, 18:49 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn
http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/6484/34700716.jpg" />
Canadian Conduit - Presidential Address #7

http://images.wikia.com/openserving/sports/images/thumb/2/2d/Poster87604438.jpg/500px-Poster87604438.jpg" />

***Update*** 1ronman is now going around on irc as &quot😉ade" (which is a nick I sometimes use from work) and is doing all sorts of fishy things. Please don't ever send any sort of sensitive information over irc, even if it's to me. Never send passwords over irc to me please - only send them in game and delete the message afterwards. 1ronman is doing as best he can to take as much of the country down with him. What a class act.

I'm surprised it took this long to pretend he's innocent. Personally, I don't really care either way what people think of him - he's no longer a threat to our financial or forum security, so whatever the court of public opinion decides with 1ronman isn't of my concern.

That being said...

All original server logs, screenshots of server logs, irc logs, and anything to do with the investigation, are all available upon request.

I did my part in catching 1ronman - now it's eCanada's turn to be smart enough not to buy the BS he's selling.

