A Moment of Madness

Day 1,513, 15:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Good evening and welcome to the penultimate interview in this minor series of ours where we inform you, the public, about what our infamous ministerial team is planning for the month. Tonight, we're interviewing Veruvia - or, in actual terms, I'm interviewing myself. You understand the title now, don't you?

1. This is your second term as Minister of Home Affairs. Why did you choose to accept the role?

It's an excellent question simply because I was very conscious about taking the role for a second month. I wasn't inclined to take the role simply for the purposes of having the title but for making a difference. That's why I spoke to Talon Karrde, Unstupid and a number of others about changes I'd like to make before I considered taking the role. It was on the day that Kravenn was elected that I decided to accept his invitation to become the Minister of Home Affairs.

2. One of the most popular schemes that the Ministry of Home Affairs runs - Call to Arms - isn't running this month due to financial constraints. What are you doing to amend this?

It's a great shame that we have no congress and therefore have to limit what we're spending our money on. When I spoke to the Minister of Finance, we had a discussion about the likelihood of us having a congress (and therefore having access to funds). We both agreed it was unlikely and so we had to cut the program.

Despite this, the ministry has initiated a call for donations which you can find here - http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=77839

The aim of this donation program is to get as many people donating as possible, whether it's Q1s or Q6s and then sell the items at market rate to build up a financial reserve with which to start up a small scale Call to Arms program.

3. You're quite media-orientated. Why is this and what are you planning to do this month to promote media even more?

I've always been a "media-freak". Having the ability to communicate ideas and concepts to people in an article which has been thought out has always appealed to me. The Ministry of Home Affairs has, in my opinion, always excelled at communicating to the public about what they are intending to do. The problem was more in how it was directed. We cater to a forum population, not to the in-game population. I want to change that.

You've already seen that I've released a series of interviews from the ministers. Here's a list of other articles that we'll be releasing over the course of the month:
- The Alphabetical Index of Military Units: Your Guide to British Military
- Your Party President, Interviewed
- Questions and Answers: The Bumper FAQ of eRepublik
- Side Boob Hour: A Weekly Dose of Side Boob
- Open Editorals - Your Chance to Write for the MoHA

4. What exactly is "Side Boob Hour"? Is it quite as endorphin-inducing as you make it out to be?

Absolutely. In fact, here's a taster of what could appear in this week's issue of Side Boob Hour:

5. In addition to media and donation programs, what else are you planning on doing?

As much as people might hate to receive them, you'll be getting a few more mass messages this month. We've got a great team who has been excellent in trying to get through a huge list of citizens in a short span of time. With exams coming up and people getting back into university and work, every effort is fully appreciated.

We'll be running campaigns on changes to the military, why we're fighting against Ireland, France and Canada and a few other things. If you feel like the public should be aware of something, let us know by sending me a message or offering us a sacrificial lamb.

6. The Ministry of Home Affairs has always been considered second-rate to the likes of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Defense. Is that justifiable?

Purely from a gaming perspective, yes, arguably, the Ministry of Home Affairs isn't that important but it's always been around to cheer people up and have a few laughs (coming from one who's been dubbed srsbsns). We might not be negotiating alliances or setting priority battles but we keep the public informed about what we're doing, we're much more transparent as a ministry and, what's more, we have an opinion that we're not afraid to voice. Whoever considers the Ministry of Home Affairs second-rate only does so because they think more of the game than they do of the community. That's what we're about - community.

7. What about forum games? Will you be running any this month?

Of course. My associate and resident games-master, Unstupid, will be running a few games this month with small prizes to keep you all amused. Be prepared for great games similar to Alice Chess and Numberwang. Of course, you'll have to speak to him about that. He's a tricky devil to pin down and he likes to keep his cards up his sleeves. Yes, he's a magician.

Additionally, we're running a fun little game that Mr Woldy might well consider sacrilege. We're running the revolution. Basically, you pay 1,000GBP to enter and you get the chance to be the King. All you have to do is stave off the competition in single elimination pool. If this sounds like your kind of thing, take a look here - http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=182&t=77880

8. Finally, will you be considered running for the office a third time when it comes to it?

I suspect not. It was a difficult decision the second time. I had qualms about it. In that sense, I'm much like Emergy Maxfell. He's always been in favour of "Leaving when the time is right". Clinging onto power isn't my thing. The Ministry of Home Affairs can only do so much under one person before someone else with ideas has to step in. It's been a great run and I hope that people will think I did a good job.