[BNP] - Embrace the change

Day 1,440, 17:27 Published in India India by troj4n20
Foreword : An article to alert the BNP members to the list of identified yet untouched parameters, that I believe if tweaked accordingly can only do more good to our system(Alright, let's reboot! What say?!)

My intention here is clearly not to criticize or disrespect or pick up a fight or revel in the old-DPI fashioned chivalry(set of rules/guidelines that my "e-ancestors" - "DPI folks" have passed on to me) by asserting facts that you do not appreciate or something else, but the betterment of the party as a unit that believed in me, after our ex-PP, late Neeraj self-detonated (before congress elections and his soul was just left to wander this mortal planet, for his wishes were still unfufilled) and I got my ticket to bollywood to bask in the afterglow of his explosion.

My first article as Party President of BNP...

BNP LOGO, NAME and IDEALS : The road to hell is paved with good intentions. - Maniu

If you do not see the difference between the left and right flags, then you need to go see a doctor!

I am not sure if the picture above is self-explanatory as of why we need a logo change, if you need more details click the above image. Am sure though everyone agrees with me that a party logo should present itself in a way, as it appeals to everyone- "Universal appeal to eIndians!". I wish I could just paint my mind but, sadly I am not a very good painter!

Ofcourse you guys(whoever created BNP) had noble intentions of calling everyone a hindu and providing them a shade under the bigger banyan tree(bajrang dal, really?). Did you not reckon that there still exist un-extinct species of flora that rarely thrive in the darkness captive?!

Strictly speaking from a politician's point of view, it was a great move I recall; certainly deserved a round of applause... I mean, you certainly had the right intent and probably productive ideas to retain the RL saffron terrorist babies and succeed in getting eIndia a babyboom. We can then later have eAIMIM to represent the muslims and similar religious organizations as such. Could it have been "the long awaited baby boom in eIndia ?" Could you have attained something, "what others can only dream of" in eIndia.

Atleast fighting over internet means no blood shed, right? 😁 Or can it ?

Adding new unknown variables to our already existing set of complex polynomial logarithmic exponential multivariable integral and differential calculus equations is always good, it makes the task at hand(ie.,solving the eqn) even more challenging!(and interesting too?)

These guys(yeah, including me! 😛) were all jealous of you getting all the name and fame, so instead they chose to put you on a boat, make holes in it and on top of that, created ripples from their sinking ship, nurtured them into massive waves to rock your boat. As expected, HNF never stayed and we will probably never know the solution to the above. Am sick of all this, someone make me an e-matlab?!

Yet again, from the bottom of my muscular organ in the chest cavity, an unheard scream of a dying soul spitting blood, that can only be ignored by the uninformed deaf. As a literate, I could not ignore it... Is it worth fighting in the name of a vague abstraction like "e-secularism", that applies to a nation of 'what like 100 guys'(active ones currently) ?

No, not for me... I shall not fight and I shall not support it, either! I shall ignore it as if it never existed, like the vast majority of things that I chose to ignore in my e-life.

Party name isn't one among the many issues that I particularly find fault with but I doubt if some cool names like "Democratic Party of India" would do more than justice than our current one. TBH Bharatiya National Party tastes like bitter-gourd curry to me; I am not criticizing, just saying. Can we stick to a proper Indian or English name ? Convince yourself that English is very much needed in eIndia/India to keep the nation intact and try to come up with an English name please!

To the members : Comment here below or reply in the message thread that I have started.
- Others can just suggest(to BNP members ) but like I said, your vote doesn't count in a direct manner.
a)So, should we keep the party logo or change it ?
b)So, any new names(other than DPI) ? Or should we stick with BNP ?

I am still unsure if I will continue to enjoy the party members support after this article, but so be it. Without mulling over this stagnant issue any further, I will speak my mind(Inspirat Manut!) without filtering my thoughts or distortion what-so-ever. Others(other party members) please feel free to suggest anything in this regard but however note that only members opinions will carry weightage in taking any decisions.

As the Party President of the most active party in eIndia(ie.,BNP of-course) I totally support and endorse Alector as our official candidate for Country President post. Everyone please vote him on the judgement day ie., 5th of November.


Join BNP today for a brighter tomorrow, else die in darkness. A vision inspired by the people!

Thank you very much for reading! - Really sorry for the long article.