Wanna Fight About It???????

Day 1,153, 20:43 Published in Australia Australia by ronnyJnrJnr

OK kids, you have made it past your first few days of work and training and you are now probably wondering how you can help you country even more by taking on the enemy on the battlefield.

At first you may be daunted by the fact, or, as most people do, plunge headlong into the water without checking for rocks first
Here I will try and explain to you about fighting and also what everything is on the battlefield
pictured here

Click to enlarge

All battles take place right here, and has lots of useful information at a glance. Each fight takes 10 health so be sure you can afford food to finish at least one fight. For more information on food and fighting check here and here

Lets begin at very top of the page.

At the top in between the country flags,we have what is known as the influence bar.

This indicates how much influence (damage also) each side has done. As you an see, the home team (Italy) has had more influence in the fight than Slovenia has had. There is also a timer. This
indicates how much time is left in the current mini-battle

Mini-battle??? Please explain!!!!!!

Underneath the country and it's allies, we can see 8 crowns, unfilled. In a battle, there are 8
mini battles, each lasting for 2 hours. One of these crowns is filled in for each victory in a mini
battle. First team to fill all 8 of their crowns wins the whole battle. No crowns are filled as this
is the first mini-battle of the day.

Next is erm...this bit...

Click to enlarge image
This shows mine and my opponents strength, our weapons and also the country in which my opponent is fighting from.. Our strengths are evenly matched but he is a tank compared to me with my "no weapon"...... If i HAD a weapon I could use the sort through button
to swap through any Q weapons I have.

Ok lets do this thing...

Each fight usually takes 2 hits. Sometimes it may take only one, sometimes four or more. It depends on their strength, your strength and the weapons that you are using. For each one of these fights you will lose 10 health.

Hit the fight button

After you have used the hit button you will notice your opponents health drop. That's a good thing, trust me 🙂

Click to enlarge image
Hit him (or her, sorry ladies) again and hopefully you will defeat him. If not you must continue to
fight until you receive the add influence screen.

Only then will your influence count and you will receive a new opponent.

Make sure you eat some food so that you are back at 100 health.

The button on the left also allows you to eat food whilst the button on the right spends your gold

(0.5 of it) for a health pack of 10 health.

This instant kill feature instantly kills your opponent and your bank balance.

If you are extremely rich, which most people are not, there are the gold boosters and gold health packs option. All are unadvised until such a day that you are the richest player in the game or like to spend Real Life money which to me, isn't a free game anymore

I hope this info helps a little bit
