14th Anniversary Map --- Mapa 14-te godišnjice eRepublika

Day 5,110, 15:18 Published in Serbia Serbia by alexanad the great

Nadam se da će mnogima pomoći, tako da uživajte.
Po mapi od Curlybear, i Teammensch.
Ako ima grešaka slobodno mi javite.
Link -- link mape.
Link -- mapa sa avionima i tenkovima.

I hope it will help many, so enjoy.
Based on the map from Curlybear, and Teammensch.
If there are any mistakes feel free to let me know.
Link -- link to map.
Link -- map with planes and tanks.

Za one koji žele samo novi skin sa avionima i tenkovima.
For those who just want a new skin with planes and tanks.

Skin sa novim avionima i tenkovima.
Skin with new planes and tanks.

Vaš alexanad the great.