The Real Reasons behind the Attacks on Poland

Day 884, 12:57 Published in Poland Bulgaria by NIKrumov
Balls Out, the Hank Scorpio Story

As many might have noticed, earlier today Russia attacked Poland. I would like to spend a minute to enlighten you as to the real reasons behind these attacks.

Reason Number One: We HATE Pomeranians!

We start at Mazuria but our ultimate goal is to hunt down all Pomeranians! These dogs are annoying little creatures- bark all the time and look like doormats. Now we are actually going to make a use of them as doormats!

Reason Number Two: Missing Pet

Earlier today, our favorite pet was stolen. We have confirmed information that the thieves were Polish. Our pet is of pure, gingerly breed and responds to the name Feherlo. Poland, give him back! You have 24 hours to comply or ELSE!

In a shocking turn of events another reason for the attack was uncovered to us. Unfortunately, I cannot share it as it is subject to copyrights. Click here for more details.