Democracy is a Lie and Elites Run Rampant!

Day 846, 15:57 Published in Germany Belgium by Konrad Neumann

German Version Here

Crying bloody murder and screaming for grave injustice is the fate of the SPeD/KPeD and PPD coalition. eGerman politics is now just populist outcry that runs rampant, course strayed, focus lost. "People" this and "transparency" that, and oh did you know Gobba is evil etc... is that it? While some I believe are sincere and good nature in promoting eGerman interest, but others are either too inexperience to know what is going on or that they use this populist rant to gain their own political capital (individual and party based). What happened to the merit based system? Instead of shouting he is an elite as your only attack at those who disagree with you offer something better than just fluff. We really do not need you to tell us Gobba is wrong, we all know that. Personal attacks.. not necessary. I might let my friendship blind me or that me might be truly innocent, he will pay for what ever wrong he did in the end by the admins if it is warranted. Also support for him as we all know now is not high and his political aspiration is pretty much dead regardless. So should we beat the dead horse some more or lets do something more more meaning and purpose. The democracy and transparency does not count too we hear a lot of that but it seems business as usually.

Before I continue I want to say that this is not an attack on the party of congress itself or the government. I am not attacking the SPeD/KPeD and PPD coalition but I am here to clarify something which I think a lot of people misunderstands.

Democracy and Elitism

Democracy is a lie, there is no democracy in the real world and there is no democracy in the eWorld. Voting and election alone does not mean it is democratic for PTO's got power via voting and elections. There are other elements to make something democratic if that is even possible. In our current situation, not all people are enfranchised. For example, people with low levels players having a temp banned or an eGerman with a different citizenship due to military orders etc, prevent them from having a voice in the eGerman political discourse. True Democracy therefore, does not take place, and that polyarchy is the best that states can achieve. What we have is not DEMOcracy but as the great political scientist and political philosopher termed it Polyarchy, ruled by the many. The best we can do is to be a polyarchitcal regime which is influenced by the following conditions.

1. Historical Sequence- peaceful evolution within an independent nation-state
2. Socioeconomic Order-concentration- a competitive regime cannot be maintained in a country where military forces are accustomed to intervening
3. Socioeconomic Order-level of development
A. Provide literacy, education, communication
B. Create a pluralistic social order
C. Prevent Inequalities
4. Equalities and Inequalities
A. Hegemonic regimes reduce public contestation
B. Inequalities increase the chance comparative politics will displace hegemony
5. Subcultures, Cleavage Patterns and, Governmental Effectiveness
6. The Beliefs of Political Activists- treat them as major independent variables
7. Foreign Control- foreign domination can affect all the conditions and alter available options

[Note: From this point I would use the term democracy and polyarchy as the same term for sake of easier understanding].

In other words, democracy must guarantee freedom to join organizations outside of state’s control, freedom of expressions, right to vote without intimidation or inhibition, right to have free and secret ballot elections, to support political leaders and compete for support, right of political leaders to compete for support, there must be alternative sources of information, institutional guarantees that there are fair rules of eligibility for holding office, and that government policies depends upon the votes of the people’s representatives. Democracy is just a set of rules in which states follow and nothing more. Democracy therefore does not necessary means that it will produce a better society with welfare etc, and it is not moralistic.

I do find it interesting that some authors are lecturing about what Democracy is something that the people have their voice heard and something that is by the people and for the people. While the ideal government (polyarchitcal regime) should hold this principle but that is impossible (best summed up by the Federalist Paper 10 that society is fractioned into too many competing ideas and interests, as well as the fact that the state is not a collective or that every single person is in gov). With that said, democratic/ polyarchitcal regime to protect the minority while creating an illusion that the people in power states to maintain power. How many people in eGermany really have a voice in their well being in eGermany? 3171?, 3171- the number of people who cannot vote in election? No, only at this time 21. Congress+ the president. These are the only people that decide the fate of the general population and the state itself. Not the 3171 or the 3171 minus the people who cannot vote. These 21 people are the only people that "enjoys democracy" and they will do everything to protect themselves and their position. The concept that democracy protects the will of the majority is not necessary true. Rousseau in the Discourse of the Origins of Inequality states that the people who have powers create laws and create systems which looks like that it cares for the general population but in reality really protect themselves. The Haves have more to lose than the have nots. While we do not have a constitution but we have a clear and well understood tradition in congress. The role of the constitution and the traditions are to define the power which each position have. Congress shall do X and Y. The President shall do A and B etc. So while democracy do protect the general people, it gives and protects the government as well, maybe even more.

Since only 21 people and 41 in the next congress election people control the fate of the nation and all of her citizens, who ever is in government is an elitist. We are not in a society that is absolute democratic that all mankind vote on every single issue [mob rule], we are a representative democracy. Imagine we are in a room with 3171 people. Ask them to all agree on what they want to eat, and that all the people must agree. Even if you get 25 percent of the people to agree, it is hard to a point of improbability, impossibility. Also it is not efficient. We do this for the sake of practicality. Society does not function with mob rules so we as a community in both real life and in eRepublik create a group of elites which we call congressman and the government. Like the rules for democracy, the elites themselves are not bad or good, but needed. So when I read articles from normal citizens as well as congressman saying that we must eliminate the elites etc, that is stupid and it does more harm than good. Also it is ironic that hearing congressmen/women saying down with the elites while they themselves are the elites.

So when I read articles by some members of the SPeD/KPeD and PPD coalition saying the same populist spiel, to me it does not make sense and it is just fluff that sounds good to get people on their side. How can you be in government saying I am against government? Is that a good thing? I am not saying the SPeD/KPeD and PPD coalition is bad so you should join OMG etc, but these statements just does not make sense. People shouting valance issues (issues which you have to agree like ePoland is our enemy) which not only a waste of time but it is not productive. Elites are bad, Gobba = bad, and more transparency etc, either it shows that they are beating the issue to death as well as that they themselves does not understand the philosophical aspect of what government is.

In closing I want to stress that I am not against the SPeD/KPeD and PPD coalition. I have friends in the SPeD/KPeD and PPD coalition who I respect and who I think is doing a great job. However, I feel many people seem to misunderstand what the government is. I focused on the SPeD/KPeD and PPD coalition since most if the articles are from them. I am sure peoples from all parties etc misunderstands too. There is a great misunderstand that our system is democratic and that is moralistic. Since not all people care enfranchised, the Demos is not fully represented and therefore it is many ruled and not the people rule. We are in a polyarchitcal regime/ or we strive to be a polyarchitcal regime and nothing more. Also, elites are not bad or good things but something created by society out of necessary. Since we do not want mob rule in which the only result will be the collapse of the state and where anarchy runs rampant, we create a group of elites called government/ congress. I am not saying that the elite should do what they want as I believe that they should strive to be a polyarchitcal regime, the current eGerman of non Dahlian Democracy and anti-elitism is just populism which does not reflect what the government is. This misunderstanding leads to fluff and only fluff. I fear that our politics move from merit and policy based to just raw passion and finger pointing. I hope this article shed new light on this issue and that we can focus more on the important aspect of government and not just fluff. Also understanding what the government is also prevents you from being tricked or misled. I hope this clarify the issue better.

Konrad Neumann
Former eGerman President

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