10 Questions: Oprah Winfrey (Endorsement)

Day 543, 13:13 Published in USA USA by Claire Littleton
~10 Question Series: Oprah Winfrey~

As Promised in my previous article: HERE, here is the premier installment of my 10 Question Series where I select 10 people that I will be endorsing for Congressional Representative. I have selected 10 and first up is Oprah Winfrey! I guess you could call this series my "Favorite Things" for Congress (the audience goes wild and starts hyperventilating)


1. Intro to Oprah
2. Interview with Oprah
3. Closing

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Introduction to Oprah Winfrey

Unless you have lived under a bridge or under the ego of President Scrabman for the past month, you have surely seen her name floating around the site and sparking some interesting conversations. She is the editor of The Oprah Magazine which publishes nothing but quality insight into the everyday works of Congress, the Wars and just good old fashioned common sense pieces. She hails from Chicago and has built herself a media empire and has decided to run for Congress in the 18th Congressional Elections coming up at the end of this month. She donates a fortune to charity, provides insight to millions of viewers on a daily basis and loves to give away cashmere sweaters in a variety of pastel colors. To vote "YES" for Oprah at the end of this month is like voting "YES" to give away 65 BRAND NEW CARSSSS!!!!

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My Interview with Ms. Winfrey

I sat down with Ms. Winfrey, Nationalist Party after she had just wrapped up her Satellite Radio show with her bestest friend in the whole wide world, Gale. Gale had to run, so I snatched up Oprah and just started pounding out the questions before she hopped on her private jet to fly to South Africa to serve some cake to under privileged midget girls who only have 1 arm....

Claire Littleton: Thank you for sitting down with me, Ms. Winfrey.

Oprah: It's my pleasure, Ms. Littleton... I love your articles...

1) Claire Littleton: You've done it all, but never got into politics. What made you decide to run for Congress now?

Oprah: When I first heard about eRepublik, the very idea of public service interested me. This game is an opportunity to be involved in politics, make important decisions and most of all: have fun. When Gov. Blagojevich suggested that I'd be a viable candidate to fill President Obama's vacant Senate seat...I knew that'd be too much for me. However,
eRepublik gives me an opportunity to be involved in American politics on a much more manageable scale.

2) Claire Littleton: Why run in Vermont and not your home state of Illinois?

Oprah: Well, I haven't officially decided on a region to run in yet. Despite my love of Chicago, I think the State is already well represented and also well contested in the upcoming elections. Those citizens are great politicians, and for now--I think they'll do a much better job in Illinois than I could.

3) Claire Littleton: What does Stedman, your life partner, think about your run?

Oprah: Stedman has promised his total support for an Oprah May 'O9 campaign!

~~At this moment, Oprah opened her diamond encrusted cell phone and opened what looked like a live video feed to Stedman which appeared to be chained up in Oprah's Chicago Home's backyard along with her pack of lap-dogs. She smiled then closed the phone.~~

4) Claire Littleton: Seems like you have the men in your life under control... speaking of men, what is your opinion on President Scrabman?

Oprah: Haha, this question I could write a whole article on! Well, he's done a couple things wrong and a couple things right. First off, I truly appreciate the War Games he's brought to the eUS. Their benefits cannot be measured. However, I haven't been too pleased with him on some occasions. I believe his statement regarding the Portugal President's remarks was a flat-out lie to the eAmerican people, and I don't like it. ~~Oprah three snaps~~ Also, Scrabman has surely not honored his pledge of transparency. In fact, I hardly ever know his reasoning on a war or some other issue until AFTER it's happened. This can't be how the eUS's policy making works. And finally, among other things, Scrab's attitude and supposed egotism worry me. It's difficult to think of our President as a kind leader when so many people have exposed his not-so-conciliatory actions. But Scrab's just earned another month. The Russia-USA war didn't turn out so well...and we'll see what's still to come.

5) Claire Littleton: Speaking of Government Transparency, with that being my main goal in reforming while in office, what is your stance on the issue?

Oprah: The very first article in The Oprah Magazine was talking about Senator voting records. I support government transparency 100%. One of the flaws of this game is that the citizens of a nation can't know for sure how their representatives vote! I hope this can be changed in the near future; for the meantime, as a Sen. Winfrey, I would pledge to make sure the public is completely informed on my reasoning, my political positions, and my votes.

6) Claire Littleton: We just got out of a horrible loss in the Russia-USA War you mentioned above... What is your position on how the war went and what do you think we can improve to ensure a win in coming Wars?

Oprah: Darn, it's frustrating that we lost that one! Well, I supported the attack on Russia's Far Eastern Region. When you look at the facts, it was a smart move; the area contains high resources and Russia does not have contiguous territory to retaliate afterwards. The problem we have here is that the rest of PEACE was able to help out. Our military, however, did an excellent job considering we stood alone...1 v. 10. I'm not totally sure what went wrong, but it's obvious that ATLANTIS needs to improve their coordination in the future to make as sure as possible that each PEACE member is preoccupied during an attack.

7) Claire Littleton: Darn, indeed. Back to Congress... How do you think the current Congress is doing? If elected to Congress, what would you do to change Congress for the better?

Oprah: The current Congress, overall, isn't bad. However, It's often unsettling when I see unjustified impeachments, bogus tax legislation, and other meaningless proposals. Were I a member of Congress, I would make sure to carefully consider all legislation (whether I ultimately agree with it or not), follow the '5 approval to propose' rule, and publish my voting record consistently in 'The Oprah Magazine'. If all Senators followed this rule, I have no doubt our Congress would be more effective.

😎 Claire Littleton: Speaking of tax legislation, you are extremely wealthy, so you obviously have some experience with taxes and whatnot. How do you think we can turn the eUS around to make others have the opportunity to be as wealthy as you?

Oprah: Haven't earned as much of a salary in eRepublik as in real life ~~Oprah sighs and looks disappointed, but then gets a look of Black Woman In-Charge cross her face and continued...

...but I'm on my way! People often ask me things like this. But my reply to almost all of the 'how do I get rich like you?' questions is this: The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work. The eUS must be willing to work...to accumulate more territories with more resources, and take a leading global economic role.

9) Claire Littleton: You frighten me a little bit... on that note, I haven't heard much from your bestie, Gale... where is she in all of this and what does she think about your run for Congress?

Oprah: Haha, well. She's staying out of it for the most part. But I have her support too!

10) Claire Littleton: Finally, and I know everyone wants me to ask this... Are you going to give away a ~~I put on my best Oprah Impression NEWWWWW CARRRRRRRR ~~Oprah rolls her eyes and smiles through her teeth~~ to everyone who votes for you? How will this effect your popular show if you win?

Oprah: I'm glad you asked, Claire. And yes, I'm happy to announce that every person who votes Oprah in May will receive a brand new Cadillac CTS! AND, if I win, I'll also personally donate money to fund twenty new schools in the State I represent. Ha! Well...we might just have to move the Oprah studio to Washington!

~~Right then, a helicopter appeared hovering outside of our interview room window and someone shot in a life-harness through the glass. Oprah quickly put the harness on, jumped out the window and was hoisted up to the sleek chopper with the gold plated propellers! I looked down to where she was sitting and she had written me a note and left a q5 gift-bag full of her favorite eRep things including a q5 Moving Ticket, a voucher for a free Wellness Box and 10 q5 weapons smuggled in from eIndonesia. Thank you Oprah!

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I was exhausted after that interview, I must say, but I urge you guys to get to Oprah Winfrey's Profile friend her then subscribe to her paper! She is a big name and has some pretty big influence!

In the next 10 Question Interview, I will be speaking with a bright man who happens to be my successor as White House Press Secretary! Mr. mjdiv

Thank you for reading and remember to subscribe to A Little Claire-ification to be up to date with this series as well as other great articles including my Gossip Column, "Hear-Say From the Hill coming out tonight!

~Claire Littleton
Congresswoman, New Jersey
Deputy/Acting Speaker of the House

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