10 Questions: Mjdiv (Endorsement)

Day 545, 10:39 Published in USA USA by Claire Littleton
~10 Question Series: Mjdiv~

In this, the third installment of my 10 Question Series, I am interviewing Mjdiv, Libertarian for Rhode Island. Again, this is my series where I select 10 Congressional Candidates that I support and Interview them so you can get to know them and vote for them at the end of this month!


1. Intro to Mjdiv
2. Interview with Mjdiv
3. Closing

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Intro to Mjdiv

I had the pleasure of meeting Mjdiv last month when he PMed me to ask for tips regarding writing Newspapers. From that day forward, we PM each other on a regular basis regarding articles and politics and I gladly took him under my wing regarding papers... then one day, he passed me in the Newspaper Rankings. After 3 days of non-stop sobbing, I got over it and we moved on. Mjdiv's success in the media falls squarely on his articles in which he helps out the new players with topics like the money market, the job market and how to develop skill, strength and experience point levels. He is a man of the people and for that, combined with his compassion for writing and transparency, I have selected him as one of my top 10 endorsements for the 18th Congressional Term. After my term as White House Press Secretary, he was one of my two picks to take my place, though I publicly supported Jewitt because I didn't think Scrab knew about Mjdiv. Little did I know, Mjdiv, and his determination to succeed in politics, had been in private contact with the President for quite a while. Sure enough, he is the current White House Press Secretary and is doing a great job.... not as great as me, but great.... Honestly, you think I'm going to say he's better than me? Phsssss...... on to the interview:

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Interview with Mjdiv

I walked into the White House Press Room and felt a sense of nostalgia empower me as I remembered being the WH Press Secretary just only a few short weeks earlier. I walked up to the podium, looked around and saw the plaque that says "The James S. Brady Press Room" and smiled while thinking to myself, "Why haven't they renamed this the Claire J. Littleton Press Room, yet?" I continued to miss the job, that is until I saw President Scrabman walk out of the hallway and into the room. The feeling of nostalgia passed and nausea ensued. Mjdiv walked out and I quickly grabbed him and began the interview before President Scrabman had the pleasure to say hello...

Claire: Hello, Mjdiv, please, let's get started shall we?

~~I quickly glanced at President Scrabman as he walked towards me then stopped, frowned and had a tear form in the corner of his eye. He turned and walked out.~~

Mjdiv: Sure, let's go!

~~Me, being the gossip I am, started to talk about Scrabman before he even cleared the door~~

1. Claire: What is your take on President Scrabman? How do you think he is doing?

Mjdiv: President Scrabman has improved over himself since he has been in office. Especially earlier on, he tended to take things more personally and, when he became upset, he would tend to come across in the wrong way. He's really a good person who's only human, or at least half human/half Vulcan. He and I don't always agree politically, but I believe I understand how he thinks and that he is really trying to do what he feels will be most beneficial for eUS. It is better to have a leader who is willing to make decisions that may not have desirable consequences, not an easy job to have, than a leader who is indecisive. But one can only evaluate their leader's effectiveness after the passage of time. Although we're not done yet, at least as a military power, the eUS has definitely improved since Scrabman has been in office.

2. Claire: I am less than satisfied with that answer. I would have accepted either A) He is Satan and doing a horrible job or 😎 Claire, you are so smart, pretty and desirable. I would accept that as an answer to anything..... Anyway, how is White House Press Sec going? What have you done to improve what I built?

Mjdiv: I've left most of what you've established as a high bar to keep communication from the government at. I have improved over what it used to be in that I try to make sure something is available for the general public to read each day that they otherwise may not have known about and also to clarify the White House's stance on important issues that the public needs to know.

3. Claire: Some of us were Congresswomen and couldn't devote an article to the WH Press everyday... ~~Here, I shot a glare at Mjdiv that conveyed "Don't Think You are Better than Me" and he looked uncomfortable. I whispered to myself: Boy, do I regret selecting you to endorse...

Mjdiv: What was that?

Claire: Oh, nothing... soooo , you have run before, but were beaten in RI. Why did you choose RI again?

Mjdiv: I know RI in real life and RL people from RI wanted me to represent them before - so why WOULDN'T I want to run in RI again?

Hope Valley, the place where Press Secretaries become Congressmen

4. Claire: What will you do to better Congress if elected?

Mjdiv: If elected, I hope to better congress by not forgetting the people who put me there and setting a standard of respectable, accountable and responsive action. I will always fight for keeping our nation secure and at the same time protecting and promoting our freedom.

5. Claire: How do you feel Congress is doing and what is the biggest thing that needs improvement?

Mjdiv: I feel that congress is doing pretty good. The problem is that most people don't know what congress does or how the actions of congress affect their ability to enjoy eRepublik. The biggest thing that needs improvement in congress is communication to the public about congressional actions, which has started to improve with publication of voting records but sheds little light on congress as a whole. Many people either give credit to or blame the president when things go right or wrong, but it is congress that votes on everything that will potentially affect the public’s experience in their eLives. The president can propose war and peace, but congress approves or disapproves it. Congress raises or lowers taxes. Congress funds or cuts off funding to the military. Congress is collectively the most powerful force in the world, aside from the admins, and people need to understand what congress can and cannot do and should be made more aware of these things.

6. Claire: I don't want to misinform people here, so I will make a correction to your statement. Congress does not always vote on War. You stated communication is key. With being WHPS, how do you think Communication between the people and government has progressed? What can be done to further make progress?

Mjdiv: Communication FROM the government to the people has improved in that, every day, there is an article in the Top 5 either by myself or by the president to inform the public about important issues. To make further progress in communication from THE PEOPLE and to filter out a lot of the propaganda that infiltrates the media, it might not be a bad idea to create a cabinet office to issue and evaluate more polls and questionnaires for the public to put their ideas into.

7. Claire: Not a bad idea, why did you get into politics?

Mjdiv: It is easy complain about things not being the way you’d like them to be or to blame those in power for your circumstances, but complaints alone do little to change things. I started my paper Freedom & Responsibility to help make people aware of the freedoms they have and set a standard of leadership before I was ever able to run for congress. Now instead of just talking about leadership and freedoms, I am taking the responsibility to promote those freedoms by engaging in an active leadership role in government.

8. Claire: What do you have that your opponents in the RI Congressional Race don't?

Mjdiv: The very first day I could make my declaration, I moved back to Rhode Island to declare my candidacy. I didn’t do it for political posturing, as some may be waiting to do; I did it because I know this state and a vote from RI carries just as much weight as a vote from Florida or any other state. But a candidate brings with them more than just their ability to vote - they bring with them their ability to INFLUENCE. In eRepublik, one’s sphere of influence can be measured by how many people read their articles and how many different political parties are represented by their friends list. I’d encourage people to look at my opponents’ number of subscribers and their friends list to find out what their sphere of influence is and then look at mine. I also have many friends in congress from different parties and experience in government at the executive level as a member of the cabinet. On a daily basis, I already have conversations with the president, congress members, cabinet members, military leaders and regular citizens alike.

9. Claire: You mentioned you have conversations with many officials, who do you feel is the best eRep politician to have ever lived?

Mjdiv: This is a difficult question for me. I have only been around a few months and I’m sure there were many great politicians before my time who I never knew. I try not to classify who is the best and who isn’t; everyone has faults and strengths and I try to draw on the strengths of everyone I know. I’ve made friends with and have gained respect for some great people who are present or past congressmen and women who are influences to me, including Ananias, Equality 7-2521, Gilroy, HeadmistressTalia, Jewitt, Kyle321n, Joe DaSmoe, NeilP99 and ssomo...

~~He then wrote something down and passed it to me. It rea😛 "I would have mentioned you, Claire, if someone else were interviewing me." I then took out my tape-recorder and state😛 Note to self, he also mentioned me... make sure to write this in the article... ~~He looked at me strangely and I continued...~~

10. Claire:
RI is the site of current War-Games, what would you do if Ireland ever actually takes control of RI in these games? Will you become Irish? If so, what kind of beer will you drink?

Mjdiv: LOL. Right now, if everyone in Ireland had a Q5 weapon and the rest of ATLANTIS used only their bare fists, Ireland still wouldn’t take Rhode Island over unless we stopped participating in the war games, which won’t happen because who would give up free wellness, rank and experience? But if they did, I’m Irish already and prefer ales over pilsners.

Claire: Ahhh, you are in luck!

~~At this point, I got up, walked over to the WH Press Room podium and lifted up a trap door in the bottom of it. I pulled a lever and the wall behind the podium opened up to reveal a hidden shelf stocked full of liquor (see below). I had hid my stash here when I was Press Secretary so I could drown my personal feelings on how the President was doing so I could tell the Press he was doing an amazing job... Mjdiv looked inside and his eyes widened to pure excitement and looked at me as if I was the smartest woman on the face of the planet, and I am....~~

It got me through those Portugal attack days where I had to lie to public and say that
Portugal was ok with us invading them... oh those were the days....

Use it wisely, my son....

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Well, another interview ended in a state of complete inebriation... If you read Mjdiv's latest Press Release and he wrote how we should just attack Canada and use them as our manufacturing slaves, you can blame that on me...

On any note, be sure to visit Mjdiv's profile and friend him, HERE! Coming up in the next installment of the 10 Question Series, we will sit down with a USWP. Yes, that's right... a USWP... I'm backing one and no, hell has not froze over. It's Cerb !

Be sure to subscribe to A Little Claire-ification to be up to date on this series as well as any other greatness I may put out! Thanks for reading!

~Claire Littleton
Congresswoman, New Jersey
Deputy/Acting Speaker of the House

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