10 more days in the light, and I have survived.

Day 1,062, 23:36 Published in Canada Canada by Etemenanki

Hello folks, it’s been just over ten days since the last time I did this, so it should come as no surprise that I am once again airing my dirty laundry. It’s been an eventful ten days this time around as I have now been in the position of Minister of Labour and Income, which is basically a fancy title saying I am sort of the Minister of Finance.


9) President of India proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada? Voted No. This was an interesting little twist of events. Word came into congress that India was going to push for an MPP with us, but that the Americans were not going to be happy if we accepted the proposal. It seems that India dumped 100 gold into our national treasury just so they could propose this. They wanted our help in defending themselves against Pakistan whom they seem to have had intelligence saying was going to attack them. Congress voted narrowly (18 to 19) to reject this alliance. Since that time India and the US have gone to war with each other, so it seems like we made a wise choice since as far as I can understand the new mechanics, we would have lost our MPP with the US or something. We at a later time returned the gold to an Indian org. Motion failed.

10) Do you agree to transfer 10000 CAD from the country accounts to Canadian National Defense? Voted Yes. We had no budget presented to congress under either Rolo or Kersten so congress was pretty much just winging it when it came to the money that was required to go to the CAF. It seemed reasonable to send along this 10k in funding, and everyone was in agreement with it for the most part. Motion passed.

11) President of Spain proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada? Voted Yes. A long standing alliance to a powerful country. As much as it costs us 100 gold to renew these, we would not be very secure, or participating in wars if we didn’t have our MPP’s. Motion passed.

12) Do you agree to transfer 2000 CAD from the country accounts to Bruck's Canucks? Voted Yes. Long ago the government of Canada agreed to fund militias that followed a specific set of rules. At the moment there is only one militia that follows the rules for this funding, the TCO. This is our agreed upon funding of that militia. Motion passed.

13) Do you agree with the proposal to issue 75000 CAD for 375 GOLD? Voted Yes. The Victory Bonds that were sold to the citizens of Canada were coming due in a week or so from this money printing and we did not have a terribly large amount of money in the treasury. This printing was to prevent the government from failing to pay back those victory bonds. For the record, those victory bonds that were still outstanding required just about 73k in CAD, and they have been entirely payed back now, though I am sure many of you already know that. Motion passed.

14) President of Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada? Voted Yes. MPP’s lead to war, and the general populace screams for war. Motion passed.

15) President of Montenegro proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada? Voted Yes. A large number of countries just came into existence, and we in congress were given the opportunity to vote on whether we would like to accept the MPP’s with these countries. From our careful examination it was made clear that none of these countries could be attacked or open up a war in the time that these MPP’s would be in existence so we voted yes, because then at least we can have some interaction with these countries, and hopefully foster some good relations with them for the future.

16) President of Republic of China (Taiwan) proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada? Voted Yes. See #15. Motion passed.

17) President of Cyprus proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada? Voted Yes. See #15. Motion passed.

1😎 President of Belarus proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada? Voted Yes. See #15. Motion passed.

19) President of New Zealand proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada? Voted Yes. See #15. Motion passed.

20) Do you agree to transfer 85000 CAD from the country accounts to National Bank of Canada? Voted Yes. This was the transfer of 75k to the National Bank of Canada to actually go about repaying the Victory bonds I spoke about earlier, and the additional 10k was to go to the CAF to continue their vigilant battle against those that seek us harm.

21) Do you agree to transfer 376 USD from the country accounts to National Bank of Canada? Voted Yes. I did some math a few days ago, and it turns out that the foreign currency that is sitting in our treasury is worth approximately 6k in CAD. For some reason the admins require a 24 hour vote to transfer only 1 currency from the treasury out, and you can only have one money transfer going at one point. Pretty limiting system given there are somewhere around 45 currencies in our treasury.


The Budget: I wrote up the budget this month and have presented it to congress. At the moment they are still in debate about the topic, but no one has particularly spoke anything against it. Personally I love spreadsheets, and like using google docs, so presented the budget to congress in said form, complete with a timeline. I have also presented a “public” budget to you the people, though I will admit it is pretty sparse. Given the theft by former Prime Minister Rolo of the entire Ministry of Industry, we in Canada have lost a large chunk of resources, though at the same time have lost some measure of upkeep required to fund them. As such, the only things truly listed in the budget this term are the CAF, and our ongoing MPP’s. The budget this term for the CAF has been pegged at 96,240 CAD, and our MPP’s are going to require a funding of 800 gold.

TCO: A debate has been going on between TemujinBC and Coda about just how much transparency the TCO should operate under given that they have received funding from the Canadian Government, as well as some suggestions on just how they should go on about that. The topic has hit 8 pages, so that should tell you that it was quite…. heated at some points. Who would have think that TemujinBC and Coda could get some heat going between the two of them?

Pimp: Congressman Pimpdollaz has come to congress to ask the question about wether we should begin to lower our import taxes in an attempt to lower the cost of various items in the Canadian market. I will state now that I have always been a protectionist, and believe that as long as our dollar remains high, there is no reason we should begin to lower our import tax since all I believe it would do is ship money out of our country. I do welcome this debate, and have found it quite interesting to watch Congressman Pimp attempt to work with congress, and I applaud him in his efforts to do so without simply proposing the motion.

Constitution: Kazuo Leblanc has started a serious talk on the topic of Constitution reform. I am one of the few who has actually gone and read our current constitution (I even have it bookmarked) so applaud this initiative to replace this old document that has indeed seen better days. Having congress actually go about change on this document though is a complex thing, often because of the simple fact that any particular congress only sits for one month, and the debate on such an important document leads to a lengthy conversation, often resulting in multiple terms to get something like this done, the whole process restarting though every election. An outsider in my mind is almost required to do the entirety of the grunt work, and I thank Kazuo for it.


I have been doing a very careful track of the countries money, following the balance of every single organization within the purview of the government (including the CAF) and the treasury. As such, over the next couple of weeks I should have an extremely comprehensive list of where every single penny of our funds is. I also started work on a spreadsheet in which I can track all of the donations done by the CAF so we can make even more accurate predictions in regards to their funding for the next term.

Aside from that, it’s been a very interesting ten days, a ten days in which I have busted my ass to get things done. I have enjoyed working with the Prime Minister and he retains my support and I look forward to see what is next to come.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. The admins robbed our national treasury of approximately 73 gold. I don’t feel it is within my purview to inform you just what exactly happened, but I can tell you the admins took our 73 gold, and we got absolutely nothing in return for it. We were ripped off. Tickets have already been put in, and we are waiting….no, demanding answers.

Major Congressman etemenanki, Minister of Labour and Income.

P.S. I think the idea of limiting our publishing to countries we have citizenship is the stupidest thing the admins done, and that should say a lot.