1 year of eMarriage

Day 1,098, 18:53 Published in Canada Canada by Cozza

1 year ago I eMarried Dycey Farley

Ohh it was a glorious wedding with Cake and booze, An we lived happily for a few months, We shared the lodge as Prime Minister and First Lady of eAustralia, We moved to eCanada

But then something happened. SHE LEFT!!!!!

She went to South Africa with the TCO and stayed there, ran for congress. And left me alone in eCanada, to fend for myself.

I was heart Broken.
The house is ruined.
The Moose is eating the carpet on the floor.

So to put it gently.


If not for me then do it for the adorable cat

To the readers of my paper. Vote this to top news, so she gets the message.

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