1 step forward,or 2 steps back?

Day 636, 11:16 Published in Israel USA by Aeroner

Hello Israel.

This is a recap of the entire week.


The United States have lost a staggering amount of states this week. It is a huge blow to them. Currently, they have 8 states, leaving PEACE with 42. PEACE marched forward this week forceably, and led a state-taking blitzkrieg. When it looked like the US was just about to be demolished, Emerick announced that a treaty had been signed. This would halt the war. The treaty states that Hawaii, Alaska, and California will stay in PEACE's control.Also, the US will have to pay 200-300 gold for each statem depending on how high of a resource production it has. But there is a problem. Actually, 2. The first one is, in the treaty, PEACE states that AL will stay in control of PEACE. AL is not the abbreviation of Alaska. AK is. It doesn't matter anyway, because PEACE will just charge a ton of gold for Alaska. The second one nullifies the first. Russia did not sign the the treaty because they thought the cost was too little. They continued their siege of Vermont, and conquered it just 2 hours ago. The rampaging russian bear could not be stopped. This will destroy the entire treaty. I don't think PEACE will scold or condemn Russia for their actions. Russia is a loyal PEACE member, and took over many states. They were the first ones to step foot on America, as far as I know. PEACE will continue it's attack no doubt, and America might not be here in 2 weeks. It's a sad and grim thought, but undoubtebly true.

The peace treaty can be found here:

So, far the only ally that has been directly assaulted by PEACE is Spain. Spain declared war on France at the beginning of the North American War. Last week, France suddenly charged into spain, conquering 9 regions. Including their high iron region of Asturias. This charge left them with 6 regions. France will no doubt continue it's attack into next week. This should no doubt be our focus, because America has 2 fortress states, Spain does not.I thought the treaty was a good thing, but now that it's probably cancelled, it's probably for the better. America will not be paying PEACE for their states, gold PEACE would have used to help eradicate their allies.


The Turkey-Greece war started this week, and I'd like to give a pat on the back for Greece. They conquered back all their regions, Good going Greece, and I hope it stays like that. The war bit turkey back, and rightfully so. I know we are striving for closer relations with Turkey, but I am still extremely glad that Greece got its territories back;

The IDF started recruiting today. Message JMatH to join. Support Israel!

Players have started placing their candidature for Congress(including myself).Here are the candidates and their presentations:
Jerusalem District-
Shimon360-No Presentation
haimerej-No Presentation
Justin Moore-No Presentation

Haifa District-None

Nazareth North District:

Eviatarsh-No presentation
Kveta-No presentation
Jacques-Francois Blondel-http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/candidacy-for-congress1-898166/1/20
Jesse-No Presentation

Tel Aviv District:
Yoav_Israel-No presentation

That's the end of my news report. News. The way it's meant to be said.

By the way, I changed the name of my newspaper. Do you guys like it?

Finally, check out Aaron Sinclair and his newspaper, Central Israeli news if you haven't already. His news paper is very good.Newspaper