1. kabinetiistung (E 21:30) / 1st Cabinet Session (Mon d. 691 11:30 eR-time)

Day 690, 23:14 Published in Estonia Estonia by Angst Winterblest

Nagu lubatud, toimuvad valitsuse istungid nüüdsest avalikult. On aeg seda lubadust ka täita: esmaspäeval kell 21:30 (11:30 eRep aeg) kanalis #est_govmeeting (Rizon IRC server) toimub IV Valitsuse esimene avalik istung. Kõik kodanikud on oodatud seda võimalust täitma ning hiljem osalema ka lühikesel pressikonverentsil, kus kodanikel on võimalus esitada valitsuse liikmetele küsimusi. Hiljem avaldatakse ka istungi ning pressikonverentsi protokollid.

Mõningad teemad, mida puudutame:
* Valitsusliikmete ootused valitsusest ning vastavus arengueelarvega
* Construction treeningfirma tulevik sulgemise valguses
* Olemasolevate süsteemide jätkusuutlikkus (sots. hoolekanne, Kaitsejõudude tabelid, Presidendi kantselei, riigi raha hajutamine ning ministeeriumitele andmine, nõunikute positsioon valitsuses)
* ePoola - eLeedu (+ eLäti) küsimus ning koostöö eEestiga

Head kuulamist!

Angst Winterblest,
eEesti president


As promised, government sessions are now public. It's time to live up to that: Monday at 11:30 AM eRep time in #est_govmeeting (in the Rizon IRC server) the IV Cabinet's first public session will be held. All citizens are welcome to monitor the meeting in real time and also later participate in a short press conference, where you'll have a chance to ask questions from the members of the Cabinet. Later, protocols of both occasions will be published.

Some of the topics we'll be going over:
* The expectations of the Members of Cabinet and conformance with the Developmental Budget
* The future of the Constructions training company in light of the recent closing
* The sustainability of existing systems (social care, Membership Tables of the Defense Forces, organization Presidendi kantselei (Chancellery of the President), the scattering of the nation's money among governmental organizations, the rights and future of Advisories in the Cabinet)
* The question of 'ePoland vs eLithuania (+ eLatvia)' and eEstonia's cooperation

Good listening!

Angst Winterblest,
President of eEstonia