1-2-3-4, I Declare a Media War

Day 1,628, 18:42 Published in USA USA by JLake4

Everyone can agree that the American media is in sorry shape. Today is an election day, and three of the top 5 articles are in support of the PTO’er General Cartman Lee, and of those two are by Serbians let here by PTO’ers in Congress.

Congress, I am disappoint.

But can we bounce back?

On any other day some disproportionate number of articles is in a foreign language and the rest are promotions for Media Moguls or lotteries. Where did anything insightful or actually newsworthy go? Where do new players go to get their information?

Above is the reply I got from a new player who had joined the Reagan Conservative Party (and thankfully left it).

But you can ascertain that the new players, for lack of any news, are using sources like Pizza the Hutt to inform themselves. And what do they learn from such an unreliable source? One can only guess. But it leads them into the arms of forces all too happy to hand our country to ONE.

Therefore, there is a second front to the war we fight with ONE. This one is in the media, a fight that ONE is handily beating us in, even here at home. ONE has mobilized voters that can yield hundreds of votes to articles in our countries. Why haven’t we followed suit? We can organize our own voting blocs to promote allied articles and bury enemy articles.

Media war? Sounds like the plot of a movie I saw...

But that all comes secondary to actually having quality articles being produced. That is exceedingly rare in today’s media climate. And no one seems willing to write because there’s nothing interesting to write about. Or is there? Dig somewhere deeper to find stories that aren’t “X attacked Y” or “PtH sucks.” A little effort expended could go a long way to reviving our media and not letting ONE dominate the news... with their articles.

One can only say then that the cream is going to rise to the top of the media in the coming months. If you can’t (or refuse to) write, vote! There is no excuse for losing the war so terribly on the media front.

Thanks for reading and V/S/S, dear reader!

Papers to Check Out!
The Killah Times