1.0: An Electoral Travesty in Ireland and the Neccessity of a Strong Response

Day 256, 19:08 Published in Canada Canada by Augustus Baldwin
A Brief Introduction
Greetings, my name is Augustus Baldwin and I will be the editor and primary author of the aptly named 'Guns of August'. The purpose of my publication will be to draw attention to, and provide commentary on, various conflicts and injustices occurring across eCanada and the eworld. This magazine's collection of articles will have a general theme towards promoting political rationalism in eCanada in an attempt to help build The Great Canadian Society. What exactly is the Great Canadian Society? Pay attention to this and future Series 1 publications (1.0 onwards) to find out.

If anyone is interested in providing guest articles, subject matter, or commentary for future publications please do not hesitate to PM me.

Irelan😛 A Theft of National Proportions

The King is dead, long live the King.

You may or may not have heard, but representative democracy recently died in Ireland. The culprits? A group of wayward Romanians led by a man of the worst sort: Victor Petrescu. This group came to power through lies and deception, perpetrating a clandestine political takeover to the horror of every true Irishman. Ireland is currently run by a band of Romanian criminals, and now that the crimes of Petrescu and his goons have come to light every freedom loving Canadian should be equally horrified.

But why should Canadians care? Well, if such a crime could occur in Ireland then why couldn't the same horror be perpetrated in Canada? What is to stop a band of foreign criminals from coming in and stealing Canadian democracy right out from under us? The government of Canada and its people must actively oppose the false Petrescu regime in all of its forms. If not out of principle, then out of practicality. If Ireland stands as an example of another nation successfully stolen then who is next?

President Sutler is a wise man, and his proposed constitution is an enlightened document, but we must add articles to protect Canadian political freedom from foreign usurpation. The Irish are a proud and resilient people, they are united in their opposition to Petrescu's false regime, but without admin intervention their struggle to regain Ireland's independence will inevitably have a high price. Canada must aid them in their quest for liberation. We must because it is a just cause, and because Canada must act as a beacon of hope for others choked by the bleak fog of foreign tyranny. I therefore call on President Sutler to add constitutional articles of protection to defend Canadian democracy from foreign attack and to offer aid to the Free Irish, in order to help them liberate their government from foreign occupation.

I will use my position in the Congress to vote accordingly, in an attempt to protect the freedoms of all Canadians and help the Irish people regain their own. But it must be the mission of every citizen to see Canada become a bulwark against the growing trend of foreign tyranny and aggression, because the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.