[WYD] Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you (Day 1415)

Day 1,415, 17:13 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence


On October 5th, I was given a mandate to establish eCanada as a destination for experienced soldiers from around the world. I intend to make eCanada a very attractive option to foreign soldiers by:

-pursuing a full a full complement of economic region bonuses.
-brokering a multi-month commitment from congress on MU funding that requires eCanadian citizenship
-leading reforms in our justice system so that eCanadians can count on a just resolution to conflict

PDP, Muggsy, Ethel, Bunsen HoneyDew and Mafanikio will help me do this!!!


I know that the polls have not yet closed, but the outcome is becoming abundantly clear, I will be at the helm of eCanada for the next 30 days thanks to majority support from the electorate.

Congratulations to PDP on a clean campaign and his appointment to Vice-President. PDP has a lot of silver lining today as he is a "bona fide" VP, both in cabinet prominence and in-game position given that should I be impeached, he will inherit the in-game Presidency. I look forward to the month ahead working with PDP.

Congratulations also go out to the balance of my cabinet, they did a great job in their own way in getting the message out and getting me elected;

-Muglack, my Minister of Defence

-Ethel Rosenberg, my Minister of Foreign Affairs

-Bunsen HoneyDew, my Minister of Justice

-Mafanikio, my Minister of Information

I want to thank the members of MOO for their loyal support and unwavering faith in our party’s ideologies.

Big thanks to CPP, EPIC, nCPF, FECES, CVP, NPC, CEP, MDP and DAL for their CP nominations. This was instrumental in steering votes my way.

Big thanks to my Minister of Trolling, Rydler was instrumental in drawing publicity to me and there is no such thing as bad publicity. Maci cho.

Big thanks to my Minister of Crime, Rolo Tamahsee. I am not Rolo's multi and I am not Wally's multi either and I don't respect the acts of crime that Rolo was convicted for, but I am not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater and the "baby" is that Rolo is an active player in the community, just like Rylde is, and my eCanada includes both of them. Rolo staying off the ballot is, in the strangest of ways, one of the strongest CP nominations that a candidate can get in eCanada.

And thank-you, the eCanadian voter, for providing me with a true majority victory in today’s election. It is a humbling feeling knowing that over half of the voters support you, knowing full well that it means over half the voters have expectations for you to deliver.

I intend to deliver, and I will go on record now to say that this term will be an “on the job campaign” for re-election on November 5th. I am gunning for Jacobi’s record and aiming to win five straight CP elections.

The only way I’m going to achieve this is to continuously improve eCanada for you, the eCanadian voter.

Let the improvements begin.

Who's your daddy?