[WWs] Interviews, Russians and lots of vodka

Day 2,024, 11:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by CottonPicken

Hello everyone and WayneKerr

I was lucky enough earlier to catch ChewChewShoe, captain of the first regiment, for a quick interview. Of course he has a very busy schedule so we are grateful that he took the time out to answer my questions.

1. So Chewie, why did you join Woldy’s Warriors?

Shortly after coming to the eUK some two months ago, Woldy came to me with an idea to boot up a military unit serving the King, himself, directly. I was quite interested from the start, I watched his idea come to reality, and as the unit grew in numbers, I decided to join the ranks.

2. Beautiful, and has it lived up to your expectations? What would you say your favourite thing about the military unit is?

Well, both yes and no. I had expected for myself to be able to contribute more towards the crew than I have as of now, but otherwise I’d say it’s quite what I expected.
Most people who decide to found a military unit, I believe, don’t do it with the sole intention of having control over the largest fighting force in the country, but rather for a purpose of creating a community. Woldy’s intentions were to create a closely knit community, with a fun and relaxed atmosphere, whilst still being able to quickly offer our country or our allies aid on the battlefield.
I believe his goal in that regard has been fulfilled, but things could always move for the better!

3. So I imagine after that all our readers can’t wait to join. Could you please tell them the basic structure of Woldy’s Warriors. For example supplies?

The members of our unit are divided into two different groups according to how they wish to supply. Where the Household Cavalry works in a commune for either Mr Woldy himself, or our generous ApronChef, for the sake of receiving a daily batch of 12 Q7 weapons, the Foot Guards decide not to work in one of our communes, and instead are expected to rely on their own source of income for supplies.
In terms of regimental structure, or even in the community, there is however no difference between the two. We set our orders according to priorities from the TWO HQ, the British Government, and if neither have given us any priorities we try to help wherever we can.

At the moment, we have one regiment, due to our small size, of which I am serving as captain. As the MU expands, so will the need for more regiments, and we will most probably be looking to open up further regiments in the future should we continue to grow.

4. Now I’ve noticed, while wasting away my days on IRC, that many members of the MU have adopted Russian names. Can you please tell us more about that?

It started out as me starting to call you Cottskij, really, and it just grew from there I suppose.
Now we have Woldymir, Bohemislav, Rexolay etc.
The purpose of it is to create some fun within our own community really I suppose, which is one of our main aims.

Fantastic, so head over to #eWoldy if you’d like a Russian name of your own! I think we will wrap the interview up there and let you get back to your work 😉 Thanks for your time Chewrgei.

Long live Tsar Woldymir!

Tsar Woldymir and Chewrgei preparing for battle.