[WTP]~ Taking on the System; Much Needed Updates

Day 2,077, 22:21 Published in USA USA by Hale26

Good news WTP!

Summer School is DONE! Which means, I get to go back to being a lazy teenager and not learn for another month \o/. Or, so I'd hope. I'm still going to have to do some school work, considering the courses I'm taking next year. Bi-lingual countries that can't teach the second language well aren't fun.

Anyways, enough of my RL. As promised somewhere, I come bringing updates from the Cabinet, Games, and Reffs.

(Editor's Note~ It's 10 PM -.-. Time to try and crank this out ASAP.)

We should really make a logo for FTW
Firstly, FTW is back up and running!

Thanks to the work of Henry W. French and Homer J. Simpson, FTW is now supplying to all eAmericans. Of course, WTPers get at least twice supplies, AND 10 free tanks a week. But make no mistake, this is a National supply program. We
That being said, FTW has fallen upon harder times. Treasury simply can't account for all spending for very long. While we will be holding a fundraiser in a bit, discussions are going to be started about cutting back the money we put into FTW.

For now though, we focus on one thing; Getting bang for buck.

I've started a discussion on the Forum threads that people like Samdoo are gonna love.
Basically, if you want FTW supps, you need to post on the DoD orders. Seeing as this has yet to receive any critique, I'll probably put it up for a test in a bit. At the worst, it strains our awesome QMs a little. But as long as they have two tabs open and I make sure to supply drop them often, all should go well.

5 gold to whoever finds the Wire
Editors note~ I'm kidding

Now, I would like to announce the lucky six winners of WTP's Congress Primary...




The Mike



Congrats team! I'd like to thank everyone for running a clean campaign and most for putting up an article. Your passions for writing, for ePopulism, for small yellow creatures; That, is what keeps WTP strong. As long as we have people willing to write and campaign, WTP will be staying on track to become America's #2 party. In the short term, of course. Nothing better than #1.

At current, we're holding a shadow Congress to get things done such as Budget passing and reforms. Currently Congress is about to enter SoH elections, and is talking USAF reform. So far main topic is getting people to move up through the branches. Myself and Darkmantle, a USWP Congressman, have a proposal that /may/ help with that. We'll see in coming days. Also, the proposal is completely non-partisan, in case anyone is wondering.

(Yes, the proposal will be outlined in my next paper)

Also a hot topic~ WTP's Voter's Cub Stance vote has BEGUN !

Every party in this game takes stances of major issues. For WTP, something that has tugged at my eheart strings dearly is the rampant abuse of Voters Clubs. I get the need, the reasons why they're used, don't get me wrong. It's just that I think it's self defeating, in many ways. Based on a discussion we had earlier, it seems many of you shared my beliefs.

Taking those beliefs, I've written up a statement for WTP to use as its stance on Voter's Clubs. Make no mistake, I'm not going to unveil some major plan in this article to stop VCs. But also, don't think that this is where it ends.

The below statement is simply a beginning. See, to get actions one needs to solidify their argument. In coming days we will do so. From there, actions will be carried out to defeat the rampant use of Voter's Clubs in the Country.

We The People, as a collective political party, is from herein opposed to the abuse of voters clubs everywhere. A voters club is an organized group of voters, who uses some modem to receive set payments for votes or subs to a newspaper. Abusing VCs destroys the American media and desensitizes American citizens to quality media from our finest writers. This leads to nothing less than apathy and poor communication. By making every article in the T5 voter bought, hopes for young writers to gain traction in eAmerica's media are slim to none. In one of the best modules of the game, this is horrendous.

On the point of communication as well, WTP realizes that many are actually turned off the media by its inflated vote totals. Thus, the information that the government attempts to sell to the people becomes ignored. At great cost as well, both financially and intellectually.

All those points taken into account, We The People takes the stance that the rampant, irrelevant use of Voter's clubs is wrong. Efforts by them will be condemned by WTP and actions may be taken to restore the American Media to a less inflated state.

I agree with this statement in the realization that this is simply We The People taking a stance on a collective issue. No actions are directly mentioned in this statement, though I would be open to hearing about them.

The above statement will be voted on by you, WTP, up until the date mentioned. I ask that if you consider voting no, please PM myself and hear out my arguments. I welcome debate with any member of WTP, even the PTO ones, about this issue. As I said, building one's stance is very important. Healthy debate only leads to that.

Going off the topic of strong media, WTP's Media contest is now open!

During my awful 2nd term as PP I created WTP's first Media Team. It was actually handled decently and they created quite a few good articles. As promised though, that was but stage one of the team. Stage 2?


We now see which articles were epic, good and not so hot. Please rate the articles truthfully so we can see who is the true king of media in WTP. Not to mention, whoever wins this contest gets to be WTP spokesman ingame.

If you'd like to sign up for the media team, please sign up on the voting form. Once we got your submission down, Media Team activies will be restarting the day of Contest Closing.

Now, moving onto the always exciting FPS Update !

...Or so I would hope. I'm still training samdoo in his position, so this will have to wait till Monday afternoon in one of our mini-shout Updates. For those who are away on ATO matters...um....you'll figure out somehow. I'm sure of it.
(Nah, just kidding. You think I'd pass up a chance to highlight Noa's work in an article?)

Also, in case anyone's interested, Round 2 of the Scottish War for Independence will be starting Monday Afternoon. I encourage all to get involved. Tis WTP's Premier Forum game, and legit requires nothing more than clicks a day. Plus, it's the perfect chance to beat Hale, since apparently no one wants to ~FREE GLASGOW~ with me.

Lastly, I come bearing a slightly technical form. As you know, WTP passed a Bill allowing under lvl 24s to vote if they've shown they're active. This law was made in case anyone was trying to become a D1 tank. Not to mention, it's common knowledge to hold your fights when you're very young ingame.

Under lvl 24 and want to vote? Fill out the form right here, and we'll get back to you ASAP~ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1gBDHLKZtRuHEfI7UAzertwmRZs0y1w8ARzBcIA_1YnU/viewform

That's all for this article WTP. In our next edition we'll be looking at a weekly Update from each of WTP's Department's, and the new Outreach Program we have made. Fun stuff. Also, I encourage all of you to check out the new series of article's WTP's Alastor DoUrden is making. WTP Mentorship program is super-underated, so we're hoping these fine articles can she a bit of light on what our Mentor's and Mentees do. Thanks ADU o/

In conclusion, hope you all have a great day, and continue to INSURGIO~


P.S~ ADU's Most Recent Article

P.P.S~ We may be getting the dSoH position for Congress.

P.P.P.S~ Delyruin was here.

To Shout~