Day 2,085, 11:15 Published in USA USA by Hale26

Now, article number two.

See, as my little rant in the previous article explained, WTP Primaries have come to a close. It was a close race in the midterm, Naz putting up a very good campaign. Seppo and DLS did decently as well. But, none of them are the ones I come to write about.

I come to write about my long time friend and future POTUS; Oblige. Oblige was the winner of the surprisingly robust WTP Primaries, hence, the candidate I support this cycle. Oblige's resume can legit span this entire article. He's done it all, seen it all and knows most of it. He's been a 4 time POTUS, leader of USAF's SF and holder of almost every Government Position imaginable.

This month alone, Oblige helped regroup Paul's ailing cabinet and fill the aMC roll for America to CoT. That coming after months of its vacancy. As you can see, Oblige is the type that works well under pressure.

He's also the type that loves media and communications. Being a newb in his either 2nd or 3rd term, I fondly remember the well-themed articles he put out. The campaigns against Spain with Brazil, the 10,000 gold pricetag Spain was going to suffer...those were fond memories. It was under an Oblige presidency that I got into the ingame.

Oddly enough, it was under Oblige that I got into the metagame as well. During my time in the early WTP I spent much of it talking to Oblige. Oblige has a knack at being lighthearted when it comes to dealing with newbs or srs bsns, so he was always enjoyable to talk with. Not to mention, he had a very large influence on myself. He provided me with direction during his first stint as PP when he had to take over on-the-spot following JJ's leaving. He also helped me navigate the trials of newbdoom under Mazzy's various terms.

In short, Oblige has a track record of dedication to this eCountry. He has served 4 terms as POTUS before, bringing us from occupation into an empire that spanned 3 countries. Oblige has shown his skill recently in the Proteus Cabinet, helping them get on while Paul was away.

I ask that all WTPers please vote for the person I call my friend, one of my biggest influences, and our future POTUS.