[WTP]~ FTW and Outreach|Planning for our Future

Day 2,092, 13:13 Published in USA USA by Hale26

Hello WTP,

As you most probably know (by now), WTP's Party President Elections are currently in place. Talos being the only WTPer who has expressed interest in running, this p.much is a 1 way race between him and (up and coming) abstain. Abstain is currently doing horribly in the polls. Neverless, we encourage our young Abstain to keep trying !

You're all used to how things go after the intro, so I'll just jump into the updates I want to give today. Currently it's 9.34 at night, so I'll just go through things super quick.

First thing to discuss~ FTW fundraisers, reforms and catch-ups.

FTW was started by Henry William French under Mazzy's second term. Its goal was to, simply, feed the world. Or at least, a good chunk of it. We started up giving supplies that were fundraised from our reicher members (Spelling error? I think not) to our poorer ones. We were headstrong in those days in regards to supplies. Now, after the program has gained surprising popularity, we've had to cut back and make reforms to the program.

While we're not going broke or anything, we've opened up two measures to ensure the program's prosperity for future generations.

Firstly, we've opened a donation drive to FTW~ http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-wtp-the-awesomeness-of-ftw-2303998/1/20

Got spare cash lying around? Feel a lil socialist? Do what that article says, and give me....um...FTW, your cash !

Also, we've started a thread on the forums discussing some caps to FTW. Nothing too extreme, for WTPers. Please check this out~ http://eusaforums.com/forum/index.php/topic,27606.0.html

To end our segment on FTW off, I just wanna drop a line saying that all past reqs have been covered. Remember, if you want supplies all you have to do is come down here with your profile link, comment on the most recent DoD paper, and you're solid.

(Insert erection joke here)

Next order of business~ Outreach.

See, when I got into this job (again) last month, I was 100% we'd be #2. But after some ATO OPs....heh, yeah, no. That being said, something I made a point of later in the term was the streamlining of recruitment. This was a main promise I gave to WTP. And, it's being happily fufilled.

(Editor's note~ At this point, I got auto-logged off and the article was p.much destroyed. So I'll be quick here. Low time and all)

In the past week, WTP Recruitment Dept. has went through an entire overhaul. With potato134 leaving to SC for CoT, we had to find a new Recruitment Director. One that was found in one of our newest WTPer's, Bacon Empire. So far he has excelled at his job of MMing eAmerica's newbs about our party, getting at least 2 responses on the first day alone. Not bad for the first time, right ?

That's not the only measure we've taken to change things. In fact, that's arguably the smaller measure. The larger measure is that we've began using a new Recruitment Program, entitled Outreach. Outreach uses a team of 4-6 (Five, at present) to find and PM eAmerica's politically neutral and politically apathetic. Our goal?

To change that apathy or neutralness, bringing them into the awesome that is WTP.

For details, our team is currently composed of 5 members. Two of them are PMing possible WTPers, and 3 of them are grabbing the IDs of those possible WTPers for the two to PM. In our first day of operation alone, we had the capacity to send out around 40 PMs. That's 40 eAmericans, hearing of our party's beliefs and how it can help them.

Good showing, isn't it? Outreach strays away from the usual, base T5 recruitment policies. While the PMing of new players is very important, apathy and neutralness are two ills that mustn't be allowed to foster in eAmerica. This program helps WTP strengthen our mandate, our party, and help the nation by doing so.

Finally, the members of this fine team are...

Bacon Empire~ Director of Recruitment

Andrew4444, Zhvejk Again and Viceraz ~ ID Grabbers

eCenk and Intolerant~ PM Recruiters

I expect great things out of this program.

I encourage all WTPers to take part in the new, Baron led Forum game here~ http://eusaforums.com/forum/index.php/topic,26999.0.html

Do you want a Peasant Scotland, or a Baron Scotland? The choice is but 2 clicks away.

That's about it for this edition WTP. While I have one more article coming out before my PP term finishes, this is about if for now. Continue to INSURGIO~, WTP.