^.^ Why Presidents Suck ^.^

Day 496, 19:37 Published in USA USA by PrincessMedyPi

As I have been sitting here over the past few months, I have been contemplating the Office of the Presidency. I have watched the way it has changed over the course of Beta through its present state in V1, and I have began to notice that being President is not all it is cracked up to be. Judging by interactions between the President and the rest of the eWorld, it seems to me that there is some confusion as to what a President can and cannot do, and the misconceptions about this position help complicate the relations between those who interact with the President.

What the President is:
* A figurehead who facilitates both public image and sets the tone for foreign relations.
* An extra vote/voice in the halls of congress.
* A special congressman of sorts who can propose MPPs, Constructions, New Citizen Messages, Alliances (MPPs), War/Peace, Trade Embargoes.
* A representative of and a person responsible of choosing the representatives of Atlantis.

What the President is not:
* A person who has endless reign--as the true power of the Presidency is beholden in the voiced support of the people.
* A person who makes policy decisions (i.e. taxes, minimum wage, constructions, monetary policy) devoid of congress--as they have 51 votes to the President's solitary vote. (Note: The President's primary policy objective is to work with congress to pass his/her legislation, something which few do successfully without incurring the wrath of congress in the process.)
* A person who can single-handedly control the economy--as there are businesses and circumstances that make the economy fluxuate, so even with a great fiscal policy, there are events that are out of the control of the President that will sway economics.
* A person who is the solitary leader of military operations--as it is impossible to run successful military strategy without adequate notice and planning with both the eUSA military and Atlantis.

Why the President sucks...
* He/she is either the hero or the goat for the policies that ultimately congress approves or denies and the events that he/she may or may not be able to control.
* He/she really does not have the ultimate power that one would assume, but is judged as having such.
* He/she can only do as much as the staff he/she has assembled to assume duties throughout the duration of the term (aka the cabinet).
* He/she typically becomes nutters and abrasive throughout the term because he/she is constantly tormented by peers and the public for nearly everything.

Why the Presidential job does not scare me...
* I understand the restrictions placed upon the position by the administrators.
* I understand how to effectively select and work with the cabinet.
* I understand how to effectively communicate with congress.
* I understand the workload and have trained to be overworked so that I am up for the task. (Note: I have a list of some of my experience below my signature.)
* I understand the pressure and heat the President takes throughout the duration of the term.
* I have braved the internet as a woman.

Over the next few days, I will be releasing a series of articles about my future as a President of this nation (accompanied in the White House by my Vice President Tiacha), so you can be a greater informed voter come April 5th. These articles will include information on the Vice Presidency, General Policy Overview, and LULZ. I leave you with a photo diary from eAmerican politics:

scrabman, he loves teh wimminz!

John Jay does too...

As does poor DesertFalcon.

Nathan Woods on the other hand...is all srs bsns.

Chesticles, ftw!


Current/Former Vice President of the eUSA
Current United Independents Party President
Current Ambassador to Finland (Second Mandate)
Forum & Podcast Goddess
Former Congresswoman (Alaska Four Consecutive Terms / Turkey One Term)
Former Chief of Staff (Two Mandates)
Former Welcoming Committee Director (Three Mandates)
Former People's Democratic Voice Party President