~Why I am not Running for President (and more!)~

Day 409, 16:25 Published in USA USA by Benn Dover

It probably isn't news to many of you that I've decided against campaigning and running for president in January of the new year. Though, what is probably not as well-known, to anybody really, are the reasons why. At the end of this article I will outline where I am leaving off, what the next elected president needs to take into account and act upon.

Running for president was very difficult work. Hours of campaigning, debates, and reaching out to the general audience about the issues that faced me. But nothing can compare to the actual thing itself. During my term as president, I'd say that I spent an average of 5-7 hours a day on erepublik. That's right, the job calls for sacrifices; sacrifices that I no longer can put forth as a result of school, exams, and training for baseball.

Beside that, I am not running for one other very definite reason: the opinions of everyday citizens. While many of you realize that major changes need to be put in place in the next administration, even more of you don't. If I were to say to every citizen right now "We need to get rid of military pay and raise taxes a lot", they wouldn't believe me, even a handful of congress wouldn't believe me. If a new president enters office, they will have a new voice that is far more controlling than the voice that I currently have.

Probably the most encouraging reason for me to resign presidency are past American presidential tendencies. See: Korbin King. See: Nave Saikiliah. These presidents, though great men they were, definitely burned out in their third term. I believe that we, as a country should no longer accept a president to run for more than two terms. Dishmcds has been president two different times, and both times he has stopped running after his second term. I am following in his footsteps and stopping myself from running. If anybody is upset with this, as I know that many of you will probably be cutting yourselves without Benn in office, turn that frown upside-down - I'll still be in the US.

If I were to run for a third term, there is much that I would do now that wars are coming down to a standstill (not entirely there yet though).

These two months have been extremely productive in America as far as organization goes. Under the "Benn administration", the CIA has taken some steps towards becoming notorious internationally. However, unbeknownst to me, ambassadors and the CIA have virtually nothing to do with each other. When I found this out, it made sense since the CIA is often busy with other things, but I really felt odd that our ambassadors are practically worthless. That is why we need to create a new position in the American government (sorry emerick).

The secretary of state, globally referred to as the minister of foreign affairs, should have an under-secretary (uMoFA) that watches over ambassadors, gathers important information, and relays this information to the CIA. The CIA does after all stand for the Central *Intelligence* Agency. All information, from countries PEACE and Atlantis, should be housed in the CIA forums. Props to Ben C and Leroy Combs for their jobs well done these two months in the CIA. I look forward to working with you guys if I am elected Secretary of State.

Aside from the new tasks given to the uMoFA, we need to work out two simple, yet extremely permanent things - military pay, and taxation.

First of all, to anybody who is against higher taxes in erepublik, like 10-12, grow up. This isn't real life, this is erepublik. Who cares if you're making 20 dollars instead of 23? Implementing higher taxes because of the in-war effects will improve our economy, strengthen our dollar, and allow the United States to profit, something that we need to do since the wars are coming to an end and our gold reserves are somewhat depleted. I've talked with high figures in Spain, a country whose gold vaults are in the top-3, and they welcome the idea of higher taxation as well as zero military pay. I will explain this concept in very simple terms so that this idea can reach out to everybody:

The dollar is just a ratio, of gold to USD. The more USD in our economy, the less it is worth. By handing out thousands of dollars in military pay weekly, our dollar ultimately becomes worthless. This only occurs during wartime, however, because citizens often house the extra USD that they have in their personal accounts. So when war comes, that USD that was not being used for months on end, gets inserted into our country because citizens want to buy things like food, weapons, moving tickets, and gifts. Thus -> more dollars enter our economy, driving down the price of USD,

Military pay, along with free supplies, is redundant, and the reason why our dollar is worth so little today.

If a president promises to implement military pay again, I strongly encourage citizens to vote against that candidate. The same goes for lower VAT and income taxes.

On a completely different note - I've had a few qualms with the Department of Defense, namingly the Secretary of Defense. Now, realize that Joeph Cole is an amazing Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), but there is something wrong with the precedent set for the DoD. The CJCS should, in the next administration, be extremely active and take on the following roles that past presidents have taken:

- Deciding on which regions are attacked/defended.
- Consult with the president on how to defend them, even though this should be the president's final say.
- Talk regularly with the MoFA on how countries of interest are doing militarily.
- Discuss with the other three Generals statistics of each of their respective military fields, as well as general opinions.
- Work with the Department of Regional Development as well as the congress (Speaker of the house, please?) on where to place defensive systems/high-quality hospitals.

There are a few different, more minute things that I will bring up with others, but those are to be brought up with individuals instead of to the crowd.

My next article will express my personal feelings about each of the major three candidates - Uncle Sam, DesertFalcon, and Justinious McWalburgson III, three citizens that I've known throughout my entire erepublik career. Make sure to check it out, especially if you are "on the fence".

Thanks for reading,
~Benn Dover
President of the eUS~