[WHPR] Top Five MUs, and In Memorium

Day 3,817, 11:45 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

[WHPR] Top Five MUs, and In Memorium

White House Press Release - Erepublik Day 3814

Today's WHPR News:
1 | Say Hello to our leading MUs
2 | In Memorium, Gnilraps

We would like to take a moment to thank all of the MU leaders in the eUSA for their commitment and support while the eUSA goes this difficult time. Coordination and communication will be key to our success over these next few months. I have sat down with each MU leader and posed a few questions to let us all feel a little closer.

1) When did you join erepublik, as an active member of the meta-game? How did you find erepubik and who got you really involved?

2) Have you always been in your current MU, if not what others have you enjoyed? How long have you been in your current MU?

3) How did you come to be Commander of one of the top five MUs in the eUSA? How long have you been in command? Have you been training your replacement, so you can sail off into the sunset?

4) What are a couple of moments that will always stand out for you in erepublik? What are your short and long term goals for your MU?

5) And the most important question for last: Cake or Pie?

First up is Easy Company

Commander: MaryamQ

1) I joined in October 2009, and first got involved in the meta-game shortly after that, initially being a strategic voter in Congressional elections. I joined Strategic Air Command around the end of that year, and was posted to eUK and then to eBE, where I stayed, and it was there I became involved on fora and IRC. I didn’t register on the eUS forum until January 2011, when I presented as the Belgian ambassador. I originally found the game because my RL son invited me, along with a number of his friends, in an effort to get his Society Builder medal, but it was the young RL Belgian members of Res Belgica who got me really involved and connected to a community.

2) I have not always been interested in the Military Module, especially since, at the time I became active in politics, you could not move to fight without resigning your seat in Congress. After this rule was changed, I joined several different MUs, including the Belgian Citizens Army, the Belgian National Army (where I was a supply officer and relieved the commander on several occasions when he had RL concerns), Green Militia/now known as Saligia (where I was commander for a time), Funky Militia (based in the UK, but had a regiment of Belgian expats and was tremendous fun), and a couple of others over time. I joined EZC in January 2015, at the invitation of TheNorm, and became a member of the Command Group soon after that.

3) One of the great strengths of EZC is its Command Group, a core group of experienced officers who consult about policy decisions and matters of EZC culture, share ideas for recruitment and activity, and are prepared to share in command responsibilities when needed. I was given command a few months ago because the commander at that time needed to step back for a while. During that time, Marius CB, the previous commander, has stepped in to cover for me on several occasions when I needed to be away so that EZC would always be prepared to support crucial fights during this war. When RL situations change, I will be prepared to pass command on to another officer.

4) That’s a tough question. The time I joined the Res Belgica forum and realized what a vibrant and welcoming community it was, was an eLife-changing moment for me. I guess the next most memorable was my entry into EZC and return to the eUS after being a voluntary expat for most of my eLife. But really, there have been a lot of great moments, filled with many great friends, too numerous to count. My goals for EZC are goals shared with the Command Group, to continue to be a top fighting force for the eUS, and to continue to foster our new and returning players in the Airborne Division.

5) Cheesecake

Next on our tour is War Inc

Commander: Jadiv

I respectfully decline.

Next on our tour is Fox Company

Commander: Rainy Sunday

1) I joined June 2009 and didn't venture into the meta-community for several months. I was invited by a friend (he entered rl USMC Bootcamp shortly after registering leaving me to fend for myself). I did not have success enlisting in the national military on my first attempt so I opted to travel. After a few months exploring I returned to US and joined the Socialist Freedom Party and founded the Young Socialists. Around the same time, Josh Frost announced a 'special project' which turned out to be the founding wave of Seal Team 6 recruitment. I hopped on that. The following month I landed in Congress.

2) I've had the great fortune to have been involved in several outstanding groups, the aforementioned ST6, SEES SS, the Special Forces, eUS Civilian Military Unit, United States Armed Forces, and now Fox Company. Fox Company is just over 200 days old and I've been a member since we founded it.

3) We've rotated command in Fox Company fairly regularly since Feynmann first founded it. A number of our members are more than well-equipped to command if they desire.

4) Look at you with the tough questions. Liberation wars with ST6, dropping in en masse. My first 'big time' cabinet role as a virtual unknown from a fringe 6th SFP, PigInZen hired me as his Human Resource Director. Hello Kitty. SEES SS owning the hex battles of V2.

Continue to be a small part of one of the best units in game. Continue to grow a well-trained and effective Foxy fighting force.

5) Cheesecake ofc!

Next on our tour is Bear Cavalry

Commander: Shiloh13

Bear Calvary was formed by SFP as a militia to fight against the invasion of ww3 in 2009. Which means we are one of the oldest active MUs around today. After that BC stayed active fighting overseas for eNations struggling for their Freedom.

1. I joined in July 2009. I found out about eRep via an ad on a Political forum I was hanging out on. Said hmm this could be interesting and indeed it was. Pretty much been here since. Basically my original MU CO Relin and the Socialist Freedom Party kept me interested to keep playing.

2. No. I originally started out with TD, then onto Mobile Infantry( On the Bounce) and then other forms of the National Forces, till I ended up with Rogue Squadron. MI and RS still have a special place in my heart, cool outfits, with cool people. I joined BC around 2013 or 14 and never looked back.

3. Once in BC I become a 2nd CO fairly quick as I was pretty active at the time. I became CO when TheNorm handed me the keys, late 14, I think, my memory is sort of fuzzy. This is maybe my third time as CO.
Anyone of my 2nd COs and or Captains could replace me as CO, thy all know what they are doing. PilotPhil has done a stint at CO if I am not mistaken.

4. WW3 and the wars right after were fun. Also whenever BC fought to help liberate regions for smaller countries and any fight against dictatorships. We are all about freedom. Make sure BC stays active and fights hard to liberate our regions, which we have been giving everything we have to achieve said objective. I am very proud to serve as CO of a really cool bunch of people.

Ursa Fi

Next on our tour is US Army

Commander: Jason the Great

1. I started Jan 3, 2009, too long ago to remember how or why I started. I must have been bored lol.

2.I briefly started in the Guard and quickly graduated to Army where I have always resided.

3. I quickly climbed the ranks back in the heyday. I burned out and retired. I continued to play though with exception of V2. When all the others left the game, it was handed back to me to carry the torch. I've been running this too long to remember. Mr. Y is the 2nd in command and would be the successor if I go AWOL.

4. My fondest memories would be chatting with the Gang back in Hadrian's room. Our MU is here for recruiting newbies. With an ambitious leader (not me lol) we could bring us back to the glory days.

5. I like cake.

Thank you to everyone for your time and diligence. The eUSA owes all of you a debt of gratitude.

The Old Guard - An American Hero Moves On

Recently we had the sad news that Gnilraps has decided to retire from the game. He wasn't perfect, nor is any leader, but we were fortunate to have such a committed statesman taking the lead in the United States on so many different occasions. After serving the better part of a decade, it is a well deserved retirement. He has been at the forefront of fighting for the USA more consistently than nearly everyone. I was never a party member of his, but he has been a constant presence during my time in the game.

This was a man whose popularity transcended party lines. When Gnilraps was on the ballot, you can try your best to run against him, but you knew there was someone whose electoral results were out-performed only by his performance as President and in countless other roles. If this is truly goodbye for him, then it is a major loss for the country and the game. We still face a great danger of enemy nations occupying us. All we can do is try to live up to the legacy of Gnilraps and fight on.

What can we do to remember him? Let's do what we can to grow our floundering community. Let's have the same spirit of multi-party American unity that he had. Country always comes first, and he knew that. As we move forward as a nation, let's look to his example in terms of his commitment to all Americans. We're all in this together, and we will continue to be successful together!

Submitted by Dominar Rygel XVI

"There will probably always be a few goldbeasts…but if eRepublik loses its community leaders, this particular game will be useless" -Gnilraps

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