[WHPR] The Invasion

Day 3,791, 19:42 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Writer: Maxwell Hanz

Howdy, eUSA!

It's Maxwell your new SoM. I promise to do all that I can to bring you reliable and informative news on the regular. Anyway, you may know by now that WDIB2 has won the Country Presidential Election and with that, I want to provide you with some statistics on the election process.

Here are the candidates, the number of votes they each received, and the percentage of the total vote that went to each of them.



Captain Black Sheep



Aside from the recent elections, you may have noticed that there is a war being fought in our regions. eEgypt, eCroatia, eIreland, eFYROM, eLithuania, eBulgaria and eThailand have managed to cause a lot of damage to our union the past few days. As of right now, this is what the World Map looks like:

As you can see we have lost several key regions such as Kentucky, Indiana, and Nebraska.

You might also be able to tell pretty clearly that our enemies are not messing around and have begun attacking us even further in regions like Arkansas, New Mexico, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Honolulu, and Pennsylvania.

This truly is an all-hands-on-deck scenario. I will let Cthulhu.. tell you more as he can illustrate the big picture much better than I can.

Writer: Cthulhu..

It looks like we are in for a heck of a fight, Emerika! If it's a fight they want, it's a fight they will get. We will not sit on our butts and take this, we are going to kick them off our lands. Let's take a brief look at what has happened thus far.

The initial NEs from Croatia and Ireland, as well as an Airstrikes from Egypt and Thailand began the festivities. Subsequently, we've seen Airstrikes from Lithuania and the Republic of Macedonia, with another NE from Bulgaria. All told we have seven direct MPP wars against us at this time. Thus far, 25 regions are under foreign control, with 2 of those being RW'd, and 2 more under attack. The current wars are not looking great, so what does this all mean? If they win all the direct MPP wars and we lose all RWs, the eUSA could be wiped in only a few days. However, I think is a gross over-estimate of us losing everything. I'd like to think we can win an MPP or RW here or there. I'm not sure if we can and will start RWs in every aggressor simultaneously and I wouldn't say even if I knew. Gotta leave something to strategy, right?

Now, even more bad news. We are currently losing in both the direct MPP’s. I cannot tell you if we will continue to focus here because of course, that is classified information. I can tell you that we all need to watch the DoD Orders closely to ensure we are fighting in the appropriate battles. I also strongly recommend that you join us on DISCORD. This is the best place to get real-time instructions on where and when to fight.

Additionally, let's look at the battles that are currently waging against our aggressors. Currently, we see the following battles against the turd-muffins that are attacking us:

Croatia has two wars in which they own the defender, the UK, and France. However, Russia is currently running right up their streets and has won seven direct MPP battles. Let's hope these will drain a little influence, even if it does take some time to have an effect.

Egypt/Slovenia, Ireland/Peru, Thailand/Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria/Norway, Bulgaria/Finland, India/Republic of Macedonia, and New Zealand/Republic of Macedonia all appear to be training wars or mutually beneficial True Patriot wars. Perhaps we can discuss options with our allies to drain some influence in these battles. Maybe there is even a way for us to directly affect a few of these MPP battles.

Overall, You can see that we have a few options here. You know how to monitor the DoD orders and you can join us on Discord. When in doubt, the Campaign of the Day (CotD) is your best bet for orders; and check your MU feed. MU commanders are getting constant updates from the Executive. Keep yourself informed and join us on the battlefield. Let's do this, Emerica!