[WHPR] Programs, Links, MoD Interview

Day 4,006, 15:37 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

My fellow eUSA citizens,

One of my campaign promises was to have "Moar Articles" and with the help of Maxwell Hanz, we will deliver. Appreciate your patience as we start ramping up. If you want to help Max, please comment below, I am sure he can use minions and correspondents to travel the e-world and bring back news from overseas and in other battle fronts as well as small interviews with other CP's and foreign leaders around the world. Also - would be fun to translate to other languages so that others can read and enjoy. If we have some translators that want to help, please don't hesitate. With that, please enjoy this first edition and the others that will follow.

Thank you for all your work, time and effort, and hope you enjoy this light reading.

-President Carlos3652-

Howdy, Max here I'm just gonna fill you in on some of the programs that are active at the time of writing this. You may have noticed that Carlos recently released an article title😛 [eUSA CP] - eUSA National Discounted Pack Program This is a new program that allows you to get a discount on the rising price of packs. Pack buyers should definitely take advantage of this offer.

Also, Herr Vootsman has AARP up the links to which can be found in the national feed.

Are you utterly confused about what direction our nation is going in regards to the war? What if I told you I interviewed the Minister of Defense today and it's full of information that might just fix that. Check it out below:

M: Alright, How has your time as MoD been?

L: Busy and you know, a bit exhausting, but I have fun. Sometimes I went "what are they doing???" and other times I went "hell yes, give them hell"

M: It seems like it's a job that takes a lot of patience and will to do your part everyday. From what I have seen of you, you are really doing a lot of work for the nation everyday.
I'm curious about procedure though, How does one go about selecting where we should attack or defend? does it get discussed by the cabinet or on the eUSA forum?

L: Took nearly half of my day.

L: Regarding our Direction, Cabinet discuss our direction with NSC. Before the 'Kicking' War (a period of time when we and our allies kicked BG, LT, FR and MKD from our regions). We chose a campaign that suited our interests. During and after the 'Kicking' War, we established a communication with our allies. Then, our Direction was geared towards our allies plan and movement so we could have optimal results. You must be asking, "Why are we putting our allies first? AMERICA FIRST!!!" (remember that one guy who usually rants about it?). First, We can't fight Romania and Serbia alone. We need support and help from our allies. To gain support from our allies, we need to help them when they need help. Second, coordinated efforts will give a more optimal result.

M: I definitely see your point and I think this is a wonderful window into what goes on in making these decisions. Obviously there is a ton of planning and strategy that goes into deciding how we should go forward and I think we should be careful not to spill the tiny details, enemy nations may read this after all. Anyway that's an interesting fusion between foreign affairs efforts and defense efforts. Who are some of our allies at the moment?

L: All Andes countries, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Egypt, Ireland, Cyprus, and others.

M: Interesting. Do you know if eUSA plans on joining a formal alliance in the future?

L: I don't know if formal alliance is still a thing but I do believe in trying. We haven't discussed it internally with congress regarding this matter, so I don't want to give empty words. In my opinion, a good communication and coordination between us and our allies is what we need right now. If we can make it to formal alliance, that's a good thing too.

M: I happen to agree, I do remember hearing about some requests and questions from players in other countries on the matter so I thought I'd ask. Now I'd like to ask you about the job of MoD. What are some of your tasks and duties as MoD?

L: Coordinating our war efforts. We give Direction to our fighter, so they'll know where to fight. This is the main duties. Other task is to inform our fighter about our situation, i did it in the Discord, I plan to write articles in couple days. Organizing resistance war.
Monitoring our movement, allies movement and enemy movement. Formulating a plan to mess with our enemies. And some other small stuff.

M: That's an important role. There seems to be some kind of weird sentiment amongst some of the more dissident citizens that the people working in government roles are robots or that they don't have the nation's best interests at heart or that nothing is being done. What do you think about that view? Personally I think it's a ridiculous proposition.


M: I will accept that as a full response lol.

L: To be honest I don't care about this 'dissent' I can troll too, but I don't want to waste my time for people who don't care.

M: Yeah that's a waste of your energy you have much bigger things to worry about. Lastly, do you have any advice for aspiring eUS citizens and future Ministers of Defense?

L: Enjoy the game, make friends, also if you have free time, troll the trolls, it's fun, really. For the Future Ministers of Defense: Establish a communication with other countries representatives. And last but not least, have fun.

M: Thank you for taking the time to let me do an interview it was great!

Maxwell's Corner

With this last section, I would like to close up by encouraging everyone to fight every day and to be active in whatever ways you can. We cannot simply just win the war or take back our regions. We must work for every piece of that map that we take back. We need fighters, diplomats, propagandists, businessmen, and men and women who are willing to do that hard work it takes to accomplish our goals. It is simply not enough to express dissent at every action taken by the government constantly and to put nothing forward to actually make the community a better place to play in.

What to expect out of the James S. Brady Press Room in the coming weeks are a series of articles with interviews of some of the people doing the brunt of the work to run the nation. I hope to interview the heads of the various departments as well as congressmen from all the parties. I will also be including war analysis and links to various programs and articles that the cabinet finds important for eUS citizen to know about. I will try to put out an article once a week but I might be able to do two. Anyway, have a wonderful day and thanks for reading.

-Secretary of Media, Maxwell Hanz-