[WHPR] New Management, Discord, and Interview with Feynmann

Day 3,848, 23:11 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
[WHPR] New Management, Discord, and Interview with Feynmann
White House Press Release - Erepublik Day 3849
Today's WHPR News:
1 | New Management
2 | Discord, Use it
3 | One-on-One with USA MoFA Feynmann

Greetings and Salutations, America!

My name is Jude Connors and I now have the keys to the Press Room, so consider this a change in the management of this paper.

I have hereby become the Self-appointed Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. Yes, I know... it is a GREAT title.

With my extensive history of media relations, I plan on continuing the great history of amazing articles that you have grown accustomed to from the WHPR. After all, you don't just become the Self-appointed Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. Oh wait. Nevermind.

With that, welcome to the show. Expect more meat in the future editions of this fine department of the federal bureaucracy.

We remind everyone out there to closely follow your MU's battle orders, and join us in general-chat on Discord. Meet some people and enjoy the aspects of the meta-game that really make eRepublik the social RPG that many of us love.

For the most up to the minute orders, contact your MU commander or a member of Defense for appropriate masking, and we will get you in the #strike-room.


Hi, I'm Jude Connors and this is One-on-One with Jude Connors - the WHPR interview segment that brings forth international incidents. In each installment, I will candidly interview someone either in government or just someone who is instrumental in the successes and failures of the eUSA community. This week's guest is the current Minister of Foreign Affairs, Feynmann.

JC: Welcome to One-On-One with Jude Connors. Let's start with the basics, tell me a little about your eLife.

F: There's really not that much to say - I'm not that interesting.

I was eBorn last year and I got dragged into the eUS politics in my 2nd week by Hale Kane, who became my mentor and later my friend.

I was an eUS congressman a few times. Though being interesting/exciting and enlightening at the beginning I kind of grew to dislike it at the end.

I was Secretary of media in WDIB2's first cabinet, and after that with Melissa Rose and Wild Owl.
It was quite fun being The Mooch.

I am quite interested in the military mode of the game and I fly regularly.

Together with rainy sunday, Eleanor Norton and Dio Eraclea we founded the Fox Company MU, which is doing great so far.

So tl:dr
I generally enjoy the game, despite its zombie status, and it may be old, but I enjoy the community the most - I am quite happy I was even able to make a few real life friends while playing eRepublik.

JC: You're the current Minister of Foreign Affairs. A few people (including myself) have publicly stated the only real way out of this wipe is diplomacy. What is your take on the current affairs and foreign relations?

F: The situation in the eUS is quite complicated, to say the least. A few things complicate it the most and I will spare a few more lines to try and address them.

- The clash of Influences

Currently the eUS is occupied by top countries of both Asteria/pro-Asteria - Lithuania, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Macedonia and anti-Asteria - Croatia, Hungary, Egypt.

So strategically speaking both sides are extra interested to stay, because if one side leaves it will mean that the other side will immediately gain more regions, resources, income, influence. And I believe that's something none of the sides want for the other to gain.

- Fighting for resources, Spartan Style.

The eUS was the top country in the eWorld in terms of resources, having plenty of all, in it's insane amount of regions (relative to Uruguay).

For varying reasons most of those countries occupying the eUS don't have that - Croatia, Bulgaria, Macedonia.

What they have is an active community of extremely well organised fighting forces. That's why I often think of them as Spartans. That active population needs attention, domestic programs, productivity bonuses for cheaper tanks, houses, etc. etc. and they got their bonuses, moving their capitals in the eUS.

And that's a major complication for the eUS case cause these countries still have their superb armies, but also seem to enjoy their bonuses and unlike the eUS they actually know how to use those resources.

Pardon my analogy, but in this case we had the oil and we needed democracy.

- "We hates Murica"

The 'dreadful' eUS FA and the 'hatred' towards Wild Owl and Pfeiffer. We hear that a lot and it surely is PRed a lot. I am not trying to absolve WO or Pfeiffer or the eUS in general, cause it’s not only those 2 players. To do whatever they did they needed approval from the eUS community and for the time I was around, in its majority, the eUS community was always glad to support their actions.

Yes, the eUS FA was arrogant and revolved around the massive egos of its representatives. We have a lot of work to do to rebuilt what that FA burned, but still I think that the messed up eUS FA was the prime driving force of the eUS decline and increasing isolation throughout the years, but not the prime driving force of the current mess/wipe.

And here’s why, imho:

We helped Croatia wake up and rise again, by launching unprovoked attack, they needed a safe spot where they could grow and build up their strength - the eUS was not only the best possible option (far far away from the Balkans and packed with resources), but also convenient in terms of motivation about the war. So the eUS was the perfect country for them to press the button.

Call me a fool, but I think that the day Pfeiffer pressed that AS button was one of Zdlemmy's happiest days, cause brilliant that he is, I believe he immediately knew that his community will rise again and do so in the best possible conditions ... and he also had a reason to be extra angry, which always leads to fun.

The rest of anti-Asteria “aided their Croatian allies”. And Hungary joined in later, looking for a bunk to lay down after the Asterian gang bang.

Bulgaria and Macedonia were the only two low Asterian orbit, top countries without resources, so naturally, when they saw the eUS’ butt being kicked by Croatia and friends they took the cheap opportunity to participate and get themselves some resources via Wild (Owl) Card. And I guess Lithuania joined for some fun and obviously some recently grown hatred towards the eUS.

In my opinion the whole mess was driven primarily by the global clash of influences after the rise and spike of activity of Croatia and anti-Asteria and the opportunity that was opened to countries like Croatia, Bulgaria and Macedonia to gain what was only reserved for Asteria - the opportunity for a safe base of operations, resources and increased value/influence. The arrogance and the dreadful eUS FA provided the PR of the campaign and made sure all of those invading countries will enter and opened rich farmland with no one to defend it… again my personal opinion.

So, no matter the recent victories, I think the eUS is as isolated as it possibly can get. The kind of isolation that dwarfs even the isolation Iain talked about in his Article.

The type of isolation that allowed the members of the Alliance we were aiming to be associated with and their friends to consider us worthless enough to divide our regions between themselves, with no foreseeable prospect of leaving.

The type of isolation that brought the countries we screwed so badly, in order to get a better position in that previous alliance, to divide the other half of the eUS between themselves.

So what is to be done?

The diplomacy you asked me about can lay the foundations of a brand new eUS, and as a MoFA I am trying to do just that - open a dialogue with everyone, no matter what side they are on or how much they claim to hate us, and approach them openly, with no arrogance, deceit or backstabbing. I think I was able to achieve that with the countries that decided to spare some of their time and actually talk with us.

Rebuild the eUS military - we have already started that. The amazing work, done by the DoD and the MU commanders should continue and get even better. Our value as an ally will not be estimated by the amount of cc in our treasury, but on the battlefield. And in order to be valuable there, the good DoD work needs to continue. We need to not only fight when the eUS cores are in danger (thought, well that ship has sailed), but show up and provide meaningful aid for the countries we chose as our friends/allies.

The 3nd and most important thing in my opinion is reforming the eUS community. Respect is to be earned and empty arrogant claims with no back up will get us nowhere. Pick your side and respect that side, make friends and build loyalty - there’s no better place to do that than the battlefield.

Respect your “enemies”, cause even if they have lost today they deserve to be respected, because tomorrow you may be the ones who lose. How do you want to be treated by then?

I am sorry about the long answer, but I needed to say all that. I hope it will help.

JC: Sometimes it takes a long answer. Thanks for being thorough. As of this interview, the USA has won some regions back. What do you think has happened to turn the tide in our favor and can we keep it up?

F: What happened, I think, is the fact that the eUS community is finally waking up from their farmers mode and realising the whole eWorld is playing a different game.

What happened was that the military-oriented players in the eUS and even some politicians realised that without teamwork, we stand no chance, even with all the allied support in the eWorld.

As long as the players don’t lose the passion, they are fighting with at the moment, we will be able to keep it up. As long as the active eUS players or at least the MU commanders keep being active on the eUS Discord server, the communication and the end results will get better and better by the day.

JC: I personally think the coordination right now is at it's best in a long time. Mad props to the Defense Team at getting our military units on one page. Back to you, though, what are your future goals in the game? Thinking of a Presidential medal on your page soon?

F: PotUS? If you have asked me that before Christmas I would have been thrilled to say "yes" and try it. Now - not for all the gold in Han Solo’s account. Thank you.

As long as I am needed and if I am doing well I will continue being eUS MoFA. If not, I will just dedicate my effort to what I was doing till now - Fox Company MU; observing carefully any rare occasion of a real war and above all, seeking more players just as brain damaged as I am to talk and hang up with.

JC: I hope that you change your ideas for future goals soon. Personally, I'd vote for you in the right election. One last question, What is the best advice you can give the American people right now?

F: Stay active, interact with the community, pay attention, have fun.

JC: And read anything published by the one-and-only Jude Connors, right?

F: Yes, and that of course.

JC: Well, that's it, Feynmann. Thank you for the pleasure of your time.

F: The pleasure is all mine. It's not everyday I get to be interviewed by the greatest media guy in the game.

JC: That's true. Till next time, I'll see you one-on-one! Good day, America!

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Jude Connors
Self-Appointed Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda