[WHPR] Message to the American People: A Fireside Chat

Day 3,797, 14:08 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Our American spirit to fight and "don't tread on me" may say we fight to the last hill and last soldier standing, but it will not prevent a full wipe. What I'm about to say next is not to cast blame, or to be a put down, so please bear with me:
Many of our citizens have fought well during this time. Others have not. Despite national feed shouts, articles with orders, and our various MUs posting orders in their feeds and Discord servers, we have had a lot of people fighting wherever they please, starting RWs that strategically are counter-productive, fighting on the wrong side of battles, etc.

We are not the force of nature we once were. No amount of our citizens fighting with their hard earned EBs, carrots, packs, etc., pouring all their time and energy into this, or people waking up at all hours of the morning will prevent this wipe.

Today we may become wiped, but it's happened before. It is not the end for us, just another chapter. It is highly likely that by tomorrow all our citizens will be able to WAM again. That is a freakin' good thing. We will be able to take a breath from this exhausting effort. I know I speak for all of us who have gone with crap for sleep lately. We can de-stress, pretend we are in a fantasy vacation on Risa, and re-group. This multi-front war will not be won by ourselves. Our allies are strategically being hit, as well, to divide our damage as an alliance and prevent us from being effective and organized.

The bottom line is, we as a nation can not expect everyone to come to our aid if we are not willing to give of ourselves and help others. This is the reason we have thrown our support behind Russia today and ask our citizens to ignore all US mainland battles.

We need to get our factories back online across the entire nation. We need to begin to generate revenue again. We need to re-evaluate our goals as a nation. We can do things better, and we will. We have made friends over the years; we have alienated others... some with good cause… some perhaps not; we have made enemies. This is a game of war. The “New World” lacks many of the elements it once had, but today war is about all many have left for excitement. War happens.

Like the unfortunate reality many face every day in real life, where real war and fighting happens, we take to our pixels and wage digital wars. At least here, no one dies. We recharge our energy and fight again. So war happens. People tend to underestimate the American Resolve. The American Spirit is uniquely ours. We know how to overcome adversity; we know how to rally together; we know how to play the long game.

This is not the end of our story. We will survive.

WhydoIbotherToo, PotUS
LifesaverM, Vice-President (PM)

...and now for some appropriate trek memes.