[WHPR] Interviewing the eArgentine Government

Day 4,041, 23:37 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room


Howdy eUSA,

Today I have another interview series, this time with the eArgentine government. I noticed that many of you enjoyed the last article like this so I may do these more often from now on but without further ado, Here's my interview with CP of eArgentina, facu79.

CP: facu79

MH: What is the general opinion of eArgentina on Asteria?

F79: Complicated question hahaha. As you know we were founders of Asteria and I was at that time being part of the government. I have the best memories of ASTERIA and the opinion is mine not of Argentina. It was hard enough to go back to the game and see that we were no longer part of the alliance and it cost me "to get used" to the new allies. I had an ugly feeling when I saw Romania on the opposite side (all my eVida was next to them) were huge allies Serbia and Romania.

It is a great alliance and very powerful, they have a very good organization. Very many rivals

MH: How have eArgentina and eUS collaborated to recover the lost regions in North and South America?

F79: It was a hard work to recover regions, there was a lot of coordination and collaboration of both and the allies. Without them, what has been achieved would have been impossible. We were attacked by many countries and we managed to gradually get them out of our regions. And in Argentina, liberation was finally obtained thanks to Serbia's willingness to sign nap.

MH: What are some of the challenges that eArgentina has faced in recent weeks?

F79: In recent weeks the challenges we have had is to help the allies in their wars, since we are only with TW.

MH: Which nations do you consider to be in a good position with eArgentina?

F79: All our allies, we have seen great support from you when we needed them and we have helped with everything we could. Great work has been done in foreign policy and we have always or almost always been in contact with everyone.

MH: How is the policy in your country?

F79: It is a very active module, many players are only dedicated to it, there is a lot of discussions, many discussions between the parties of "right" and "left". Not as in other times but something remains. The good thing is that for some of them that part of the game is still attractive.

Generally the most important decisions are discussed in the off-game congress and it usually happens that they delay a little in leaving some laws, but this good participation of all and there come good things.

MH: What are some of your plans for this term as CP?

F79: Try to keep what has been achieved so far and join our allies when they need it.

MH: And, finally, what can my country do to help yours at the present time?

F79: I think we have to continue with the good communication that we have been having in recent months, both countries are willing to offer help and I am sure that when we need it, US will be offered help as well as our allies and vice versa.

Here's the interview with eArgentine Minister of Defense, A Q U I L E S

Mo😨 A Q U I L E S

MH: Where can fighters in eArgentina seek battle information?

AS: In the national wall, also via WhatsApp in the coordination groups for both land and air and through their active commanders and / or those in charge of the UM.

MH: How is the nation coordinating its attacks with its allies?

AS: We have our coordination chains together with the allies and soldiers.

MH: Do you think the war effort has been successful?

AS: We are convinced that successes are achieved if we are organized and very patient
We have had historic victories and just defeats.

MH: What advice do you have for the land and air fighters in this game?

AS: Follow the advice of those closest to your groups, know every minute of battle and get the most out of your daily contribution in the campaigns.

MH: What is the general consensus about the Asteria threat in your country?

AS: The general consensus that I can tell you is that Asteria has been for us a hard rival, but each citizen can add different opinions to this consensus. I can tell you that the only Asterian country that cost us a lot to defend ourselves is Serbia, then the other members have shown them throughout this time, that we are not easy. But all this is cyclical and someday, the cards will be mixed again to continue playing

MH: And finally, what can eUS combatants do to help eArgentina?

AS: This answer is very personal that I will answer because there are not many memoriosos in our country and it is good to promote the good actions of the present, as allied countries that we are now and seek better and greater commitment of both countries in the campaigns that are need, as we have had in the past.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Prime Minister of eArgentina, Lady Killer, 🙂

MH: How is politics like in eArgentina? What are the T5 parties?

LK: Argentine politics is probably one of the most active and delicate, so to speak, in the game. It can be a bit stressful, especially if you are not used to it, since it contains a lot of our own RL culture, and it is difficult to adapt it to a game.

MH: Is there any active programs in eArgentina at this time?

LK: At this moment we have an active plan to encourage the aviators; air combat is one of the focus of attention of eArgentina for some time, and has been quite successful

MH: How is the eArgentinan military coordination? Are there resources you can point to to help your fighters know where to hit?

LK: Different means have been tried over time, an attempt was made to refloat the national forum, or to use other tools such as Discord. Today I would say that the most used and effective communication is by the National feed and the whatsapp groups. This last route has been very effective, since people have tended to get together, either because of their styles of play (groups of mavericks, low divs, etc.) or because of their groupings in game (military units or political parties).

MH: How would you describe the eArgentinan community?

LK: It is difficult to describe us haha ​​to be fair, there is everything! It is a community that can argue very hotly and the next day fight side by side as if nothing had happened. Of course this has its pros and cons, and every day we have to "deal" with that

MH: What are some of your biggest concerns about eArgentina?

LK: Personally, I am worried about the growth of our terrestrial tanks. Although Argentina is noticeable in the air, on land we have been a little behind. It is an important point to work.

MH: And, finally, what can the citizens of eUS do to strengthen the ties between our nations?

LK: I bet to continue with communication and joint work as has been done so far. I trust that the cooperation, both in real battles and in the TW that we are initiating, will strengthen these ties.

And Lastly, eArgentine MoFA, Frank Maiden

MoFA: Frank Maiden

MH: How is the current eArgentinan war effort?

FM: The current war effort is a bit down, at this time of year the holidays for some begin, and many external expenses for holidays, trips which could prevent in some cases renewals of packs, account acquisition.

However, it is a temporary decline and not decisive in battles.

MH: Who do you consider as allies or potential allies of eArgentina?

FM: Argentina has had several conversations with different countries for several periods. It is clear that we do not negotiate or believe that we can have mutual benefit with countries that are currently attacking our allies, but the diplomatic talks are diverse.
As allies, we have our alliance Andes, and the countries that have supported us for some time. Croatia, Turkey, Hungary, Ireland, Cyprus, Egypt, Italy.
As potentials I think it varies according to the geopolitical situation of the moment.

MH: What eNations are currently threatening eArgentina?

FM: I believe that we are in a position in which no country wishes to directly attack our originators. The determination that we have demonstrated together with Chile is proof that they will be able to invade us but it will not be easy, nor cheap, and even less now that the OCs are disabled. However, there is always the risk of being an objective of some Asteria country (given the Chile-Peru conflict) or satellites of the alliance.

MH: How have the negotiations with eUSA and other eNations that cooperate with eArgentina been?

FM: The negotiations with eUSA have always been, at least in my periods, cordial.

We had a setback when it was the USA-Croatia conflict and subsequent invasion, but except that I think we always maintained relations at the stable and good countries level.

Personally, I have known and worked with different governments of eUSA and different political parties and it has always been fruitful.

MH: What have been some of the challenges for you this term as MoFA?

FM: The main thing is to ensure the integrity of all members of the Andes alliance. Then improve the coordination and relationship with our allies and resume some friendships that have been gathering dust in this time.

MH: What can eUSA do to improve relations and strengthen coordination in battle with eArgentina?

FM: Communication is essential, not just ingame or discord, but other means of communication such as mobile applications. It is vital to be able to pass battles orders and coordinate different blows with air squads or tanks.

MH: and finally, how are the relations between the South American eNations?

FM: At the moment, relations are more than stable and fluid. We hope, I hope that in my term as MoFA I can continue in the same way.

Maxwell's Corner

Remember to keep on fighting and if you got time, check out this update from the executive: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-eusa-cp-executive-update-december-v2-2686210/1/20

Let me know what you think, and I would like to extend a special thank you to everyone who took the time to talk with me to create this article. I really appreciate it and I hope that our countries will have lasting peace and cooperation on the world stage.

-Secretary of Media, Maxwell Hanz-