[WHPR] FireSide Chat with CG, Discord, Assistance

Day 3,842, 03:32 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

[WHPR] FireSide Chat with CG

White House Press Release - Erepublik Day 3831

Today's WHPR News:
1 | Fireside Chat with CG
2 | Discord, Use it
3 | Assistance Available

Hi, I'm Jude Connors. I recently have been invited to join the White House Press Corp and have decided to bring to the American people a new segment called "One-On-One with Jude Connors". In each installment, I will be bringing you a candid interview with someone either in government or just someone who is instrumental in the successes and failures of the eUSA community. I hope you enjoy this new series.

I decided to have a very special guest for the premiere installment of this new interview series. He is a man who is known throughout the community and currently serves as the White House Chief of Staff. Ladies and Gentlemen and all others, Chickensguys.

JC: Chickensguys, you are the current Chief of Staff under President Rainy Sunday. Obviously, your appointment to this position has caused an uproar because of your checkered past. Since you cannot defend yourself against the accusations in the eUSA Forums, I want to give you a chance here in this interview. What do you have to say about the entire situation?

CG:I am reformed. I traffic only in justice, honesty, and fair dealing. I don't think my actions 6 years ago reflect the sum total of my life's work. I have apologized profusely and have always put my best foot forward. To haters, I say this:

JC: Your profile states that you are the "Recipient of a Presidential Pardon (Oblige)". What's the skinny on that?

CG: Historically I have been a bit of an outcast in erepublik. Outlandish, but active, terrible with grammar, but a writer nonetheless, serious at times but trolling at others. As a result, I am a bit of an acquired taste. However that said, from Wild Owl to Oblige to Glove to Rainysunday I can all count among my efriends. I call this Goku effect, spent enough time around me even as a blacklisted traitor citizen and you will come around. Maybe it is my naivete and my blind leaps forward or maybe it is my good looks and charms but given enough time everyone eventually comes around.

Oblige's last act as President of the United States of America was to pardon me of all my crimes. I am to this day forever grateful.

JC: That's awesome. You've been playing this game for a long time. When did you join and how did you find eRepublik? What are some of the best times you've had in your history of eRep and who do you consider your best friends in game?

CG: I found eRepublik 8 years ago during a moment of boredom in High School during spring break.

BEST TIMES LIST: Self Proclaimed PP of the UIP/Member of S.E.E.S./ USMJ PP/ GLOVE'S COS/ Japan's ATO/Rainy's COS/

Best friend list is probably the same list from before: Wild Owl... Oblige... Glove... Rainy Sunday.

JC: Tell me about the day-to-day operations of a Chief of Staff and what do you personally feel is your top priority as Rainy's CoS?

CG: I only ever accept one job in any cabinet and that is being COS. I consider myself the GREATEST CHIEF OF STAFF EVER.

As COS, your goal is to make sure everyone else is doing there job and to assist them to that end. Whether that means helping out in DOD, or Media... my job is to keep the boat afloat. Examples of day-to-day operations include putting together DOD threads with allies... deciding battle priorities... setting deadlines and expectations... and much much more. If you took a quartermaster of a ship and a corporate HR shill and combined them, you get COS.

Sometimes I am forced to ruffle feathers, and sometimes I am here to support, but the overarching goal is to try and make the Presidency a success.

JC: That's great. One final question then I will leave you to your hectic business... What do you feel the eUSA needs to do to end the occupation?

CG: We have had 4 years of peace by sucking up to Asteria. We won't have 4 days of peace by being anti-Asteria.

Whether we are in the alliance or a 3rd party alliance, we need to work towards that goal.

JC: That's it. Thank you for your time, Chickensguys.

CG: No problem. A pleasure to be interviewed by a true media legend.

We remind everyone out there to closely follow your MU's battle orders, and join us in general-chat on Discord. Meet some people and enjoy the aspects of the meta-game that really make erepulik the social RPG that many of us love.

For the most up to the minute orders, contact your MU commander or a member of Defense for appropriate masking, and we will get you in the #strike-room.

Assistance Available

Meals On Wheels is a program that has been around for a long time, but many have forgotten about what we do. We provide 500 Energy worth of food per day and it is FREE! All eUSA Citizens are eligible.

In the past we were short handed and response times were slow. Now we have more staff to fulfill requests and encourage everyone to signup for Meals On Wheels TODAY.

Signing up everyday will provide you with 500 units of free,no cost energy. That means more work, more battles, more experience without having to lose your hard earned money.

Sign Up Today.

The Department of Citizen Affairs is happy to continue the wildly successful program, the American Air Rank Program (AARP). During it's first month, 68,200 Q5 food were delivered to our Aviators.

This program is designed to help you, the American Airman, to increase your air rank. We will do that by providing you with food in exchange of your regular fighting in air battles.

How to participate?

Participation in this program is very easy. You don’t even have to leave eRep to do it. Every day, there will be a post created on the new National Fead that will rea😛

“Hello eAmerica, comment here for the Day XXXX AARP Early Bird Special.”

All you have to do is to leave a comment, asking for your daily AARP Early Bird special supply.

What do I get?

You will get a daily 4000 energy, provided by the DoCA for a single valid entry. You will be able to receive only 1 pack of food per day.

Be sure to leave your comment as soon as possible, because the daily food distribution has a limit and WILL BE CLOSED if you see the following comment:

“The AARP Early Bird Buffet has been closed. Please come back tomorrow.”

So there will be no point of asking for food from the program after that comment.

Do I need to do something in exchange for the energy?

You will have to:

- Have an Air rank lower than Group Captain

- Defeat at least 20 opponents in Air battles every day

The DoCA will be tracking your Air rank progress, for every day you have requested food from the AARP program. You will have to defeat at least 20 opponents in Air battles, daily, in order to qualify for the next food pack. Your daily opponents defeated count will be estimated by the difference in your Air rank points every day.

Important: If you try to cheat, asking for supplies without completing the program's daily requirements, you will not receive your daily food pack. If you try to cheat multiple times you will be barred from the program.

So before you request your next energy supply make sure you have defeated your daily 20 Air battle opponents.

Feel free to reach out to the Secretary of the Department of Citizen Affairs, Herr Vootsman if you have questions, comments, or want to donate food or cash to the cause.

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