[WHPR] Day 4556: Meet the Cabinet!

Day 4,556, 04:07 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Monday, May 11th, 2020 (Day 4556)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Government Articles Since Last WHPR

Today’s WHPR
1: Domestic Growth
2: Press Briefings
3: Cabinet Interview

1: Domestic Growth

Our cabinet has been chugging along nicely!

The DoE announced a rewards program for eUS citizens who write and publish fresh tutorial articles in the eUS during the current CP term!

The Department of State revived the eUS Ambassadors program! Volunteers will now be sent out to interact with the communities of various other nations in the new world! If you’d like to get involved, shoot a PM over to PimpDollaz, our State Department member in charge of this program.

The DoI announced a new Food for Flight program, which repays eUS citizens in food, for fighting in air battles.

Military and diplomatic options are being discussed, to find a way out of our current predicament with Iran and Serbia. The war has been particularly hard at this point in time, due to many of our allies in CODE boycotting gold packs; they are unable to offer much support in our war effort. The CPs of our nations, Serbia, Iran, Canada, and the eUS, have been talking, and a diplomatic solution may be close.

Multiple departments have been very busy, and you can expect to see more updates and announcements in coming days.

2: Press Briefings

Saturday, May 9th, saw another Press Release from Press Secretary Paul Proteus on the eUSA Forums.

Apparently the Press Room has been built on top of a UIP Graveyard? It explains me, that’s for sure. Anyway, there’s also been a special Mother’s Day press release from VP SColbert yesterday on the 10th.

*muffled shuffling could be heard as Wilker digs his cell phone out of his pocket*
“Uhh, hello? Mr Chief of Staff?
… Yes sir, the WHPR is going well.
… No sir, I am not leaking classified information to the public regarding the President’s Mother’s day incident.
… Yes sir
… Thank you sir
… I’ll link you the article as soon as it goes public sir
… Goodbye sir”

Okay now where was I?

3: Cabinet Interview

And now, we have a feature from our newest cabinet member, Assistant Secretary of Media Krapis, who did an interview with some of our other cabinet members. Here it is:

I volunteered to do this. I just didn’t expect to be taken so seriously so quickly.

But I’m not here to talk about me and my experience, I’m here to introduce you to the people in your government.

Here is the first of three sets of:

Brief Encounters With The President’s Cabinet

Vice President SColbert

1. You are the Vice President and a sitting Party President, so I'll assume this isn't your first interview. Tell me something about your EREPUBLIK political career that, as far as you know, most people don't know?

You're right this isn't my first interview. I am a very important person who is constantly being sent requests for interviews. People want to hear my thoughts, receive my advice, and listen to my ramblings.

Some people might remember this but I am going to talk about it anyway. When I was PP of the 6th party Vox Populi I organized the 6th Party Coalition. It was an organization of different 6th parties. It encompassed all parties ranked 6-10 and some below. It was essentially used for ATO efforts, but we also coordinated on CP endorsements, and used our collective to bargain for spots on the ballot for Congress.

I was the Chairman for like 3 months, and essentially it fell apart as soon as I stepped away from leadership. I think the Croats controlled a 6th party at the time and they were being asses because they thought they alone deserved to be in charge because they were the largest of the 6th parties. Well they flexed too hard and parties started abandoning the Coalition because of their behavior.

2. If Plato released a country music album, what would it be titled?

The Allegory of the Yee-Haw

Krapis responds: Thanks for telling that story about that coalition and its demise. Lesson learned : always beware of big egos in little rooms.

Chief of Staff dmjohnston

1. The Chief of Staff is a position of considerable power. What is your philosophy about the proper use of power in Government? Bonus points if your answer is EREPUBLIK-specific.

Ultimately, the job of the Chief of Staff is to enforce the vision of the CP. So the key is to check my own agenda at the door and keep things running smoothly. One of the great things about the way Tyler does business is that he's very much a delegative (not a word, made it up myself) President. He wants the department heads and members to feel enabled to act, and that's a huge part of distributing power. Enabling those working for you to do their jobs is a great step in the right direction.

2. What do you intend to do with your bonus points?

2. What's the exchange rate from Bonus Points to Cool Bucks?

Krapis responds: “delegative” is a word.

Press Secretary Paul Proteus

1. You've been named "Press Secretary" in the Bubbler administration. It seems your role is to entertain us with oblique inside humor. Sounds hilarious. So tell us, how can the average citizen make this game more entertaining for you?

That's basically correct. The job also I think functions as a way to demystify the cabinet and kind of show everyone what the government has been up to behind closed doors while also reminding everyone involved that, as this is a game, nothing should be taken too seriously. As an ordinary citizen (I mean aren't we all), I think the most entertaining thing you can do is engage with everything. Write! Good satirical articles are criminally underrated. And comment and post everywhere. Especially now, nothing is more valuable than activity for the sake of activity. I want to hear what you have to say, unless it's mean, then idk, maybe not.

2. What's the weirdest (PG-rated) thing you've ever googled?

Uh that's a good question. I have gone through the past two weeks of my search history to answer this question, and apparently I googled "does snoopy's brother spike do drugs?". If anyone can answer this for me, please send me a private message pronto.

Krapis responds: Thank you for alerting us to the crime spree.

Secretary of Media Wilker Nath

1. To quote President Bubbler, "Wilker Nath (is) a recently returned player looking to reinvent himself... (and) has graciously accepted the challenging Secretary of Media post." What is one mistake from your prior incarnation that you specifically want to avoid in your reinvention?

I wish I would've done some 2 clicking instead of completely forgetting about the game. If I still had my old account, and had worked to grow it even a little bit over the years, I'd be in a much better spot with both my companies and my strength.

2. You are a writer, so perform for us: What's the dumbest thing you can say about food?

It hurts to say but... I'm actually not a big fan of tacos! KT I'm sorry! (I'm kidding I love tacos)

Krapis responds: Thank you for making me google, “2 clicking”. For the record it’s on the EREPUBLIK WIKI which I now also know exists.

Domestic Advisor Melissa Rose

1. Your official title is "Domestic Advisor" which sounds like a real pressure-cooker in a country losing its land to foreign invasion. I won't ask how you'll advise President Bubblar - let's assume that's top secret. Advise the rest of us: What one thing that we, the citizens, are doing right now that just needs to stop?

It is not a pressure-cooker at all. Domestic stuff is actually the most fun part of the game for me. Connecting with people is satisfying, I have actually found some of my closest friends in this game. I am not sure there is anything we need to stop, even the bickering is fun. If anything we need to do more, we need to talk to each other even if we fight. We need to teach new people how to play because this game is pretty confusing sometimes. I think most of us are so "old" in-game that we have forgotten that occasionally we have new people who don't understand the game at all. We need to support them and help them develop. That is honestly what Bubblars administration is all about, connecting with each other. If Serbia wipes us, all we will have is our domestic programs to keep people here. I expect a lot out of our domestic programs. So far they haven't failed me.

2. What's the best way to look angry while drinking out of a straw?

Just try not to look angry while drinking out of a straw, it's impossible.

Krapis responds: You seem like someone whom more of us need to get to know.

What an experience! I learned a few valuable nuggets about EREPUBLIK, I met some VIP’s, and I didn’t break anything. I’ll see you next time for more Brief Encounters With The President’s Cabinet.

Sincerely yours,
Kernal Krapis

Your White House Media Team

Secretary of Media Wilker Nath
Assistant Secretary of Media Krapis

Press Secretary Paul Proteus

WHPR: Meet the Cabinet!

:These links apparently still work! Nice!:

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